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Tony's POV

"Which one of you decided to ruin the only good thing in my life? Huh?" I ask, anger in my voice.

"What? Tony, what happened?" Bruce asks.

"If you come clean the consequences won't be as bad." I huff.

After Kate had left all those months ago and I lost hope I had no choice but to move on. I met this girl, Lily. Her and I became a thing of sorts so technically I was cheating on her with Kate but that's not the point.

I turn my attention to the two agents and the soldier. "Well? Are you going to speak up or do I have to beat it out of you?"

"It wasn't any of us." Natasha says, crossing her arms. "It's not our business."

"You sound like Cap." Sam chuckles.

"Speaking of, where is the Star Spangled Man?" I cross my arms, coming to the conclusion that he was the one who told her.

"He was here a minute ago." Bucky says, shrugging. "He said he was gonna head up to his room and then disappeared."

"Well I was just up there, nobody's on that floor." I point.

"Lady Kate! I've figured out a way for us to train fairly!" Thor announces as he walks into the room. He furrows his eyebrows as he realizes that Kate's not here.

"So Steve and Kate are both missing?" I scoff. "How convenient." I say, sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"Why do you care anyway? You're the one who was cheating on her." Bucky points.

"Cheating on her? Who said I was cheating on her?!" I raise my voice. "I love her!"

I had everything planned out. Today was supposed to be the last day of having that woman in my life. I was going to take Kate out all day and then at dinner I was going to propose.

I head down to the lab to keep myself busy but end up breaking a bunch of things out of anger.

"FRIDAY, let me know when Kate gets back, will you?"

"Sure thing, boss." The voice echoes throughout the room.

Kate's POV

"So.. Now what?" I ask, looking up at Steve as we take the elevator up to the 10th floor.

"I was thinking maybe we could keep whatever this is quiet for a little while? At least until the drama dies down a bit." He says, referring to Tony. I nod, understanding where he's coming from but can't help feeling upset that he wants to hide what happened.

The elevator dings and I step away from Steve as the doors open.

"Look who decided to join us." Tony says, clearly drunk. "What a lovely couple, you two deserve each other." He slurs, almost falling over but Steve catches him.

"Tony, you need to lay down." He says, sitting him on the couch.

"Oh here we go. Everyone, listen to Captain America, he knows what's best for everyone!" Tony says angrily.

"Tony, stop." I say, grabbing the bottle from him. "What's gotten into you?" I ask sitting beside him. Yes I'm furious with him but I can't stand seeing him like this.

"You finally did it, Kitten." He laughs. "You finally broke me."

I feel a pain in my chest. "I broke you? Do you know how many times you've broken me?" I ask, tears building in my eyes.

Tony mockingly pretends to cry and I clench my jaw. I notice my hands starting to glow as my anger rises and Steve rushes over to me.

"Hey, hey. It's not worth it, he's drunk." He speaks, pulling me away from Tony. "He doesn't know what he's saying."

I shake my head as the tears begin to fall. Steve wraps his arms around me and the others soon join, making it a group hug.

"We know you didn't do anything wrong doll, he's trying to flip things around and make you look bad." Bucky says.

The others say encouraging things and I thank them all before pulling out of the group hug.

"I think I should move my things out of his room while I have the chance." I wipe my tears as I make my way to the elevator. "Goodnight guys."

Once I get to Tony's room, I feel everything inside of me fall apart. I quickly grab the few things I had in there and run to my room. I set my things down wherever they belong before collapsing on the floor.

I see my hands glowing and close my eyes. I let out a frustrated scream as I cry and open my eyes to see that one of the curtains is on fire. I quickly rip the curtain off of the window and stomp on it to put it out. How did that happen?

I slide my window open and scream out of it, this time keeping my eyes open, to see that I can--in fact--breathe fire.. That's new. Now more focused on my abilities, I decide to see what else I can do. I ball my hands together and focus on the air between them. It takes a while but eventually I form a small ball of fire, also new. I place a hand out of the window and shoot a blast of fire into the air. I knew I could do that one but it's just so much fun. I decide to take things to a new level and allow the firey glow to consume my body. I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them I look into the mirror to see that they're a bright yellow. I focus the energy and heat inside of me seeing if I could set myself on fire, when my door swings open.


I turn to see Steve standing in the doorway, his eyes wide and eyebrows raised. I take a deep breath and my skin slowly fades back to its normal, pale color. Steve runs over to me once it's safe and wraps his arms around me as I sob uncontrollably. He whispers words of encouragement into my ear as he rubs circles on my back.

"Let's get you to bed." He says softly once I've calmed down. He picks me up and lays me down on my bed before pulling the blankets over me. "Do you need anything?"

"No.." I sniff. "I'm okay now."

Steve nods and kisses the top of my head before walking towards the door.

"Steve?" I ask before he leaves the room and he turns to face me. "Thank you."

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