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Steve's POV

"Steve?" I hear a soft voice ask and turn to see Kate sitting on the edge of my bed. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Yeah! Yeah, of course." I say, moving over to give her space. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." She says, cuddling up to me. There's a short silence before she speaks up again. "I had a good time today."

"Me too." I smile at her. "Do you want to borrow a shirt?" I ask when I realize that she's still in her jeans.

"Oh, I forgot I was in my jeans." She laughs. "If you don't mind, yeah."

I get out of the bed and Kate follows me as I open a drawer to grab a T-shirt for her. I hand the shirt to her and realize that she's staring at my bare chest.

"I um.. Sorry.." I blush, grabbing a shirt for myself.

"No." She says softly, stopping me from putting the shirt on. She steps closer to me and wraps her arms around my neck.

I look down at her hesitantly before wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my lips to hers. I pick her up and carry her to my bed, careful not to break the kiss.


I wake up the next morning with my arms wrapped around Kate and smile to myself. I kiss the top of her head and continue to hold her as she sleeps.

There's a knock on the door before it opens to reveal Bucky.

"Um.. I was just coming to see if Kate was ready for our jog." He says.

"She's sleeping."

"Yeah, I can see that." He rolls his eyes as he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"Steve?" Kate asks, rubbing her eyes. "Who was that?"

"Good morning sweetheart." I kiss her nose. "It was just Bucky seeing if you wanted to go for a jog."

"Oh." She says, laying her head on my chest. "No thanks, I'm good right here."

"I was hoping you'd say that." I smile, holding her close as we both fall asleep. We didn't exactly get much sleep last night thanks to our multiple makeout sessions.

Bucky's POV

"Where are Steve and Kate?" Clint asks.

"In bed." I say, still pissed off at the events of yesterday.

"What?" Natasha gasps. "They got together?" I shrug.

"It's about time." Tony says. "They've been giving each other googly eyes for months."

"He's been sleeping with Sharon." I point.

"So? She was probably sleeping with Point Break in Asgard." Tony crosses his arms.

"I have no part in this conversation!" Thor argues. "Lady Kate and I are like brother and sister."

"It's not weird for you?" I ask Tony.

He shakes his head. "I love Pepper now." He smiles at her sitting beside him.

The elevator dings and Kate and Steve appear at the table shortly after. She's wearing one of his T-shirts while he's wearing sweats and a T-shirt.

"You two look tired." Clint smirks.

Kate blushes and looks down as Steve grins proudly. Did they actually sleep together? I feel my heart break in my chest.

After breakfast, everyone heads down to the training room including Kate. She watches Steve train as they flirt endlessly. I feel sick to my stomach and decide to call it a day as I make my way to my room.

I slam my bedroom door shut and sit on the edge of my bed. I hear Steve's door slam on the other side of the hall and furrow my eyebrows. What is he mad about? I hear the shower turn on before someone starts to sing. It's not Steve, it's Kate.

"FRIDAY? Where's the rest of the team?" I ask the A.I.

"They're gone on a mission, Mr. Barnes." The voice speaks.

Kate's POV

"Be safe, please." I say, kissing Steve softly before he gets on the quinjet.

"I will be." He smiles, kissing me back before he joins the others.

I make my way to Steve's room and close the door a bit harder than I expected to. I hop in the shower and begin to sing before turning the water off and wrapping the towel around myself.

"Bucky?" I ask, stepping out of the bathroom to see him sitting on Steve's bed.

"Did you sleep with him?" He asks, looking up at me. I stare back at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "Answer the question!" He raises his voice, making me jump.

"No." I say, my voice breaking in fear.

"Are you lying? Because everyone else seems to think that you did." He clenches both of his fists.

"I-I didn't." I say, clutching my towel close to my body and stepping away as he gets closer. Eventually I'm backed up against a wall and he's standing right against me.

"Bucky.." I say, my breathing uneven. He stares down at me and I can't even recognize the man in front of me. "Bucky." I say, firmer this time.

I do my best to push him away from me with one arm but he doesn't budge. I feel my temper rising as my fear subsides and I also clench my fists.

"Why do you care so much anyway?" I spit through my teeth. "If I recall correctly, you're the one who was flirting and having a good time with your old girlfriend."

Bucky takes a step back at my sudden outburst.

"So what if I did sleep with Steve? At least he didn't break my heart after I trusted him and poured everything out to him." I raise my voice.

I hear Bucky's breathing quicken. "Well I'm sorry for wanting to respect our privacy." He argues. "At least I didn't sleep with any girl I could to distract myself from the thought of you while you were gone."

"Well maybe you should have." I yell, feeling my heart break in my chest and tears building in my eyes as I speak.

Bucky furrows his eyebrows as he stares down at me. He steps closer, closing the space between us. I feel my heartbeat quicken as he pushes me against the wall and pins me there before smashing his lips against mine.

It takes no thought for me to kiss back. I've missed him. All of this sexual tension between us causes the kiss to be rough and needy.

Bucky picks me up and carries me to his room before laying me down on his bed. He quickly pulls his shirt off before leaning down to kiss me again.

"Bucky.." I groan between kisses.

He pulls away to look at me as we both catch our breath. "Are you sure?" He asks. I nod in response and he smirks before reconnecting our lips.

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