Moving On

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Kate's POV

I wake up the next morning and see Bucky sleeping the opposite direction as me so that his feet are near my head. I laugh and shake my head as I carefully get out of bed. I go into the bathroom and change into my running gear before waking Bucky.

"Can I just sleep-in today?" He groans.

"If that's what you want." I shrug. "I'll be back in-"

"No." He jumps up. "You're not going alone." He gets out of my bed and we go to his room so that he can change.


"Come on slow poke." Bucky teases.

"I'm trying." I yell. "Can you slow down?"

Bucky stops and waits for me to catch up to him. He's barely even sweating and I'm struggling to breathe.

"Are you alright, doll?" He asks, sitting down on one of the benches with me.

"Yeah.. I'm probably just weak from being in a coma and recovering." I explain, he nods.

"Why don't we call it a day and walk back to the tower?" He suggests, I nod.

Steve's POV

"Morning." I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Morning, Cap." Sam smiles.

I join everyone at the table as Clint brings us pancakes. As we're eating, the elevator dings and I turn to find Bucky carrying Kate to the couch and laying her down. I know she said not to be clingy but I can still be her friend.

"What happened?" I ask, walking over to them.

"Just the usual jog." Bucky shrugs. "She's probably just still recovering."

I nod and make eye contact with Kate. "Are you guys hungry? Clint just made pancakes."

"I'm starving." Kate says, sitting up and balancing herself. She stands and almost falls back down so I grab her waist. "Thanks." She says softly before grabbing Bucky's arm and walking over to the table.

Breakfast is a little bit awkward since everyone knows that Kate rejected both Tony and I. The smalltalk dies down quickly as we eat in silence.

"So.. Who wants to head upstate for the weekend to meet the recruits?" Tony asks. Everyone excitedly agrees to go. "Actually, Frosty, maybe you should stay behind."

"What? Why?" Bucky asks, a bit offended.

"Well we need as many recruits as possible, we don't need you intimidating or scaring any of them off." Tony says, sounding sincere but Bucky takes it the wrong way.

"Well if Bucky's not going then I'm not going either." Kate crosses her arms.

"Kitten, I'm just looking out for-"

"No, Tony. That's not right." She cuts him off. "You all need to go, it's important for you to meet them. Bucky and I aren't needed."

Tony sighs and walks out of the room and the rest of us go to our rooms to pack and get ready to go.

Bucky's POV

"Bye guys!" Kate waves as they step onto the quinjet. "Have fun!"

"You too!" Tony says. "But not too much fun." He glares at me.

I wave goodbye to Steve to find him giving me a similar glare as Tony's and furrow my eyebrows. The quinjet finally takes off and the tower is actually peaceful for once.

"So, what're we going to do for a whole weekend?" Kate asks, jumping onto the couch.

"Well it's already late so I'd say just movies and snacks tonight." I chuckle at her.

We pick a movie to watch and settle onto the couch with our chosen junk foods.


After watching our third movie of the night, Kate begins to get frustrated.

"Buckyyyy." She whines. "It's a Friday night, why don't we go do something?"

I laugh and shake my head at her. "It's almost 12 in the morning!"

"So?" She pokes her bottom lip out. "I heard there's a great club not too far from the tower."

I stare at her, watching the smirk grow on her face. I think about it for a moment and decide that it's harmless to have a little bit of fun.

"Okay, but we're not staying long and we're not getting drunk." I instruct, she nods with a grin on her face.

We head up to the 15th floor and go our separate ways to get ready.

Kate's POV

I quickly fix my hair a little bit and add some makeup before slipping on a skin-tight red cocktail dress and nude heels. I walk out of my room and knock on Bucky's door to see him standing there in dark jeans and a white button up that covers his metal arm and a glove over his metal hand.

I notice him staring at me and feel myself blush. "Ready to go?" I ask, he nods. Even with heels on he's a good number of inches taller than me.

Bucky's POV

"So what made you want to go clubbing?" I ask as we sit in the cab.

"I just need to get my mind off of everything." She sighs. "I need to let off some steam, maybe I'll find someone here to help me do that."

I know she's in this mess with Steve and Tony and that they're all free to do whatever they want since they're all single but I have a bad feeling in my gut about tonight.

Once we get to the club, we pay the taxi driver and walk past the line and straight up to the bouncer. Kate shows her ID and the guy must recognize her affiliation with Tony because he lets both of us in immediately.

"Shots?" She asks as we walk over to the bar. She orders a few rounds for the both of us and hands me a glass.

We're on our third shot when I decide that it's enough. "Alright doll, let's go dance." I say, grabbing her hand before she can grab another drink.

The last thing I need is for her to get drunk and taken advantage of by some asshole. She's clearly a little bit buzzed but is still thinking straight and acting like her normal self. We dance for a bit, not caring if we bump into people around us, when she pulls me closer to her.

"I'll be right back." She says into my ear and winks before walking over to some guy and dancing with him. A girl walks up to me but I completely ignore her and take a seat where I can still see Kate.

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