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Bucky's POV

Steve and I arrive on the 10th floor and search frantically for Kate. My heart beats harder and harder in my chest with each passing second. Did she really do that to herself because of me?

"She's not here." Steve says, running his fingers through his hair. "Where could she have gone?"

"I saw Ms. Valentine running out of the tower a few minutes ago, if that is of any assistance." FRIDAY speaks.

"Yes, thank you." Steve says before jumping back into the elevator. "Maybe you should stay here." He stops me from joining him. "I'm not sure what's going on between you two but she was fine before you walked into the room."

I take a step back and nod as the elevator doors close. I clench my jaw and do my best to calm my breathing. I should be the one going after her. I shouldn't have overreacted earlier. Everything would've been fine.

Steve's POV

I walk the streets of New York City aimlessly, looking around for any trace of Kate. The sun begins setting and I have no choice but to give up. Maybe she's already back at the tower.

I decide to check one last place before turning back out of paranoia and worry. Sure enough, as I reach the small park, I spot Kate sitting on one of the benches with her head down.

I sigh in relief and make my way over to her. "Hey."

She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "Hey."

"You scared me, yknow. I thought there would be no more of that." I sit beside her, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry." She sighs. I follow her gaze down to her hands to see that her wounded knuckles are still exposed.

"You really should've let me wrap those up."

"I know." She turns her attention to me. "Bucky and I just.. Haven't been in a great spot lately."

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?" I ask.

"Not physically." She sighs. "He's just not as great of a friend as I thought he was I guess."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask cautiously. Kate can be very.. Sensitive about certain things.

She looks at me and thinks for a moment before speaking. "Bucky was my rock. I'd go to him about everything, whether it was about you or Tony or my powers." She begins. "Because of that, we got closer and I sorta gained feelings for him.. Or at least I thought I did, I'm not so sure anymore."

I feel a pain in my chest as her words sink in and she looks up at me. "I'll stop, I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have-"

"No." I cut her off. "I want you to be able to talk to me. Even about things like this." I reassure her and she nods before taking a breath.

"While I was in Asgard, I spent a lot of time thinking about all of you. I began to realize that you and Tony both love being my hero but I wasn't so sure that either of you loved me. When I came back, Bucky was the one waiting for me while both of you moved on, so that kinda confirmed my suspicions."

"Kate, I-" I begin but she gives me a look. "Sorry, continue."

She nods. "Bucky and I were sorta a thing for like a day until Susan showed up at the carnival. After seeing how he made no effort to spend time with me or get rid of her, I realized that maybe I was wrong about him." She looks down.

"After you all left for your mission, he confronted me about you." I raise an eyebrow as she speaks. "He was so angry.. It was like a complete stranger was standing in front of me." She begins to cry. "I was so scared, Steve. I didn't know what was going to happen." I wrap my arms around her as she cries into my shirt.

"But then I snapped at him, which kinda took him out of whatever trance he was in." She sniffs. "He and I um.. We went a little further than hooking up.." I swallow as I feel my heart breaking in my chest. "But afterwards, I asked him what would've happened if I hadn't snapped at him and told him that it scared me and.. Well.. He didn't react the way I was expecting. He practically threw me out of his room after I pretty much poured my entire heart out to him." She clings to me. "So you can understand why I'm in such a state."

I take a moment to process everything she's told me as I hold her. "I'm so sorry." I breathe into her hair. "I'm sorry that I haven't been a good friend before anything else and that I haven't been there for you. I'm sorry that Bucky treated you this way. You never deserved any of this."

She cries softly into my shirt. "I'm sorry too. I never really gave you a chance." She sniffs.

"Hey, that's okay." I say, rubbing her back. "You don't need to be sorry for anything."

"Thank you, Steve." She pulls away and looks up at me. "I really needed this."

"Of course sweetheart." I smile at her. "Why don't we head back to the tower? I'm sure dinner is ready by now."

"Actually, can we grab a pizza on the way back and eat in your room? I don't really feel like seeing anybody." She asks, holding my hand as we walk.

"Anything for you." I smile at her and she smiles back.

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