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Kate's POV

"Good morning Kitten." Tony breathes into my hair as he hugs me from behind.

"Good morning." I smile as I turn to face him.

He gently pecks my lips before rolling on top of me. "It's still pretty early, what do you say we have another go?" He bites his lip.

I giggle at him as I lean up to peck his lips. "Nice try, let's go make some breakfast." I get out of bed and pick up my pajamas from their spot on the floor before sliding them back on. I turn to find Tony staring at me with a cheeky grin on his face. "Tony!" I scold him.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He winks and slides his clothes on before grabbing my hand. "Breakfast it is."

We arrive in the kitchen to the smell of fire and Tony's eyes widen. "WHO IS TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY TOWER?" He yells.

Both of us run into the kitchen to find Bucky and Sam trying to make breakfast. They both immediately blame the other one, making me crack up.

"Step aside and let the master do her work." I say, bumping Bucky with my hip.

The three boys set the plates and utensils as I make waffles, eggs, sausage, and hash browns. Once I'm done, I place the big plates of food on the table with some help from the others as the rest of the team sits at the table patiently.

"Oh. My. God." Clint says as he bites into his waffle. "Tony, if you don't marry this woman, I will." He says, pointing his fork at me.

"Don't get your hopes up, bird brain." Tony winks, taking a bite of his waffle as well.

Breakfast is spent chatting, laughing, and most importantly: eating. After everyone is done, each person washes and dries their own dishes before going to get ready for training.


I step into the training room to see everyone already doing their own thing (except Bruce because he doesn't train). Natasha and Clint are working on target practice, Sam and Tony are in one of the rooms with their suits on, and Steve and Bucky are sparring on one of the mats.

"Lady Kate!" A familiar voice booms from beside me and I turn to see Thor smiling widely before pulling me into a hug. "It has been too long! How are you doing these days?"

"Well," I chuckle as I begin to fill him in, "I got kidnapped by Hydra, who injected me with something, almost died but Steve saved me, went into a coma for a few days, and figured out that my hands glow but don't know how to control it." I smile and his eyes widen. "You?"

He smiles, getting to tell his story. "I've been traveling the nine realms trying to keep order. I defeated a giant fire monster as well as a giant rock monster and a giant ice monster. After everything had been handled, I came here."

I raise my eyebrows. "That sounds like fun."

"Tis indeed!" He booms. "Maybe one day I may take you on an adventure with me!"

"Maybe." I smile. "Hey Thor, would you mind training with me? I'm not really sure how to use my powers and since you're the strongest Avenger I doubt it'll have any affect on you if things go wrong."

He smirks at me calling him the strongest Avenger and gladly agrees. We step into one of the training rooms and stand on opposite sides. I clench my fists in attempt to get them to glow but again nothing happens.

"Uh, what exactly is supposed to be happening?" He asks, a bit confused.

"They glow, I swear." I say, letting out a sigh as I try again. This time I concentrate all of my energy on my hands but still nothing works.

Someone taps on the glass and I turn to see Bucky waving with Steve standing beside him. I feel my heartbeat quicken as I look at Steve and hear Thor cheer from across the room. I furrow my eyebrows as I turn to look at him and realize that my hands are glowing.

I lift my hands closer to my face to examine them as the fire-like glow travels up my arms and throughout my body.

"Incredible!" Thor cheers, pointing to me as he looks at the avengers on the other side of the glass.

"Thor, fight me." I say, not fully thinking this through.

"Um, what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I need to know what else I can do!" I explain.

Thor shrugs before throwing a weighted ball at me. I catch it with ease and hold it in my hands as he looks at me with wide eyes. I focus on the ball in my hands and before I know it, the ball bursts into flames.

The fire must trigger the sprinkler system because water is soon pouring out from the ceiling, also extinguishing me. I feel myself weaken as the water hits my glowing skin but focus all of my energy on standing up. I make my way out of the room and almost collapse but Tony catches me.

"How did you do that?" He asks, amazed.

"I don't know." I admit. "I can't control when I glow but once I started glowing, I just focused on the ball and it started burning."

"So you have fire abilities and super strength?" Sam asks. "Because catching a ball thrown like that by Thor is not easy."

"I guess so." I shrug.

I turn to look at Bucky and find him smirking. "Looks like I won't be going easy on you the next time we spar."

"Maybe I'll have to be the one going easy." I tease, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Is that a challenge?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You tell me, Boo Bear." I bite my lip to hold in my laughter.

I notice both Tony and Steve glancing between Bucky and I at my nickname for him.

"Alright, you asked for it." He charges at me and I run to the sparring mat as the others gather around to watch.

We both grab small knives before beginning to 'fight'. We fight hand to hand, only rarely using the knives, and I'm the first one to pin Bucky.

"Ha." I smirk, practically straddling him which I can tell makes Tony upset so I jump to my feet. I offer Bucky a hand and he grabs it, but quickly pulls be back down onto the mat as he pins me.

I stand up once he gets off of me and grab my knife as he does the same. We take jabs at each other and dodge each one. I hear someone yell from behind me and turn to see what happened but am surprised to feel a sharp pain on the side of my arm.

"Oh my God, Shortcake, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Bucky rambles in as the other run over to me.

"It's only a scratch." I say, looking over the wound. "It's alright Buck." I smile at him.

"Come on, I'll take you to get patched up." Tony says, intertwining his fingers with mine as he leads me to the infirmary. "What did I tell you about sparring with him?"

"Babe, I'm fine." I roll my eyes.

He sits me down on one of the tables and pulls out a first aid kit. "Huh." He furrows his eyebrows as he looks at my arm. "I could've sworn there was a cut there a minute ago."

"What?" I look at my arm to see what he's talking about. "It's gone? How did-? I didn't do anything to fix it."

Tony shrugs. "At least you're okay."

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