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The Great Hall was as magnificent as ever despite the rain that had begun to pour outside. The candles floated below the enchanted ceiling which displayed a clear night sky. Professor Dumbledore and the teachers of Hogwarts sat at the long table facing the four house tables, food and drink appearing in bursts for Welcoming feast.

Dumbledore hadn't made his welcoming speech yet so the students indulged in the food until their stomachs hurt. George sat next to his twin surrounded by friends from various year groups. The Weasley children tended to sit together regardless of their age gaps so a cluster of red hair was centred in the middle of the Gryffindor table. Next to them were Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Lee Jordan. Harry and Hermione were close friends to Ron, the second youngest of the Weasley family while Lee was best friends with both Fred and George.

George was doing well at being distracted from his run in with the Ravenclaw girl on the train. He listened to Lee's outrageous claims of spotting five Demiguises' during the summer and finished Fred's sentences when teasing Ron and their younger sister Ginny. However, when Lee started to talk about the outcome of the 422nd Quidditch world cup, George's mind drifted far from the topic at hand.

His eyes wandered over towards the Ravenclaw table, which was difficult as the Hufflepuff table sat between him and the table dawning royal blue. He searched through the Hufflepuffs and zeroed in on the black-haired girl that sat lonesome on the left side of the table. She sat with her gaze on her plate that was filled with vegetables and mashed potato. Her cat wasn't in sight as pets weren't allowed during the Welcoming feast and it gave her nothing to distract herself with. The Ravenclaws around her chatted quietly and acted as if there was a dome around her, stopping them from even acknowledging her existence her.

George felt something inside him at the expression on her face. It wasn't sad or lonely. It was as if she wasn't surrounded by people. George could describe it as content, but that was too depressing for him to accept. Who could someone sit by themselves and feel completely isolated, yet appear comfortable? George didn't know what it was like to be individual. He always had Fred by his side; they were a team. And maybe that's what Rosier needed. To be part of a team that made every member feel like they belonged.

"You're not staring at Rosier are you?" Fred's voice brought George's attention back to his own table and saw his brother raising an eyebrow at him, pleading for his thought to not be true.

"So what if I was?" George shrugged as he grabbed another chicken leg from the dish in the middle. "She seems lonely."

"That's 'cos she doesn't talk to anyone," Lee poked his head around Fred. "Rosier's always been a mute. And no one cares enough to see if she can actually cast spells. There's no way she can do them non-verbally too."

"That's an awful thing to call someone," Hermione entered the conversation, glaring at Lee. "Maybe someone should care enough."

"Well you can go and be buddies with her then, Granger," Fred stated. "Georgie can join you since he's so interested."

The conversation was dropped and the feast went on. But George didn't engage in anymore conversations as he thought about Fred's last words on the topic. Had anyone ever tried being friends with her in the first place? Was she ever given the chance to speak? Or was her last name so taboo that people immediately steered clear of her?

At some point, Professor Dumbledore stood from his seat and announced that there would be no Quidditch this year. This was because of the Triwizard tournament that Hogwarts shall be playing host to. Two other schools, Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute, will be arriving later in the school year so that the tournament can begin. One student from each school shall compete in the tournament and aim to bring the title of Triwizard champion to their school for 'eternal glory' and a one thousand galleon prize.

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