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A place had been discovered that was exactly what they needed to start their defence classes. Neville had apparently been walking past a seemingly normal wall in the corridor that had the tapestry of Barnaby the Barmy, when a large door suddenly formed against the brickwork. At the time, Neville had been thinking about possibilities for a place for the group to start their practice. This is what caused the room to materialise and spurt all sorts of things that would be brilliant for defensive spells. Dummies, pillows and even bookcases of books formed with the room, making it the perfect place to hide from Professor Umbridge.

"It doesn't come up on the map," Harry mentioned as he held the large parchment out in front of him, switching his gaze from the room to the map.

"Do you remember this room, Georgie? It was a broom closet before," Fred spoke up, his hands on his hips and looking up at the chandelier that lit up the room.

"You've been here before?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," George answered. "We set off some dungbombs in Filch's office in our second year and needed a place to hide. All we had to do was think of a place and this came up, only it was a cupboard back then. I think I remember Sir Nicholas calling it The Room of Requirement."

"It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back," Harry grinned. "Get the word out for a meeting tonight."

Heading back out into the castle, Blair was ready to head to the Great Hall to finish her homework. She headed through the corridors with Fred and George chatting behind her, them planning to head out to the Black Lake for some private finalisations on their Headless Hats demonstration. They were planning to do it in the Great Hall, but Blair made it clear that she wanted to focus on her Astronomy homework.

"See you tonight, sweetheart," George called while pecking her forehead, heading past the Great Hall with Fred close behind.


Blair turned to head into the hall but stopped when she came face to face with a familiar Slytherin. Fletcher stood in the archway with his arms crossed with a scowl on his face that was worthy of a Malfoy's. She took several steps backwards so that she wasn't so close and went to walk around him, only to have Fletcher step in front of her.

"Can I help you, Potts?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, not in the mood for his snobby attitude and condescending tones.

"I know you did it."

Every action Blair has ever done in her life came back to her. She ran through every single wrong she had ever done and thought that Fletcher had somehow found out about her worst fears. Maybe he found out about Grimmauld Place and that Sirius Black was part of the Order of the Phoenix. Maybe he was going to gloat in her face now before heading to Umbridge, informing not only her but the Ministry of Magic as well. It would surely end in Sirius being given the Dementor's kiss and all of those involved in the Order being trialled for treason. But how could Fletcher possibly know about all that?

"What are you on about?" she played it cool, ensuring to roll her eyes for extra effect. But Fletcher didn't falter and kept his scowl, glaring down at her with his fierce slanting eyes.

"You know, Rosier. Don't play innocent and sweet with me," he spat. He stepped closer to move him and Blair out of the walkway of the Great Hall, now drawing the attention of pass-byers. It would have been normal to see the Head Boy and Head Girl chatting in the corridor. However, Fletcher posture was hunched and his expression looked to be made of stone. Blair did her best to hide her panic and anxiety, keeping her straight figure and looking up at Fletcher with a look saying 'I haven't got time for this shit'.

"Ever since that night of patrolling, I can't remember shit," he seethed. His voice was low but the corridor had quietened enough to hear the faintest of whispers. Blair's past worries of somehow letting the secret of the Order out diminished, but wasn't replaced with the feeling of relief. The memories of scavenging Snape's classroom before oblivating Fletcher flowed into vision instead and a weight piled on to Blair's heart. Was her charm work not as good as she thought? Memory charms were meant to be long lasting and near impossible to break unless done by the caster. But if the execution of the spell was wrong in some way, the effects could ware away over time.

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