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"Ickle-William's getting married!"

For the first time since the end of the Christmas holidays, the shop had less than five customers inside at a time. Whether it was the fact that people had finally run out of their Christmas money or not, it was the first slow day Weasley Wizard Wheezes had since their opening. Because of this, Fred didn't care about yelling aloud and embarrassing himself in front of the very few customers. He weaved through the shelves and displays to get to the counter where Blair and George were standing and exchanging light kisses. They wouldn't usually display such PDA in the shop, but they had gotten closer (if that was even possible) throughout the past few weeks and weren't concerned about being seen by the three or four customers that were too baffled by the yelling of Frederick Weasley to even notice them.

"To who? A Gringotts goblin?" George joked and raised an eyebrow as Fred put the letter down in front of him.

"To that French bird that was in the Triwizard tournament!" Fred ignored his twin's previous statement. "He's marrying a bleeding Veela!"

Blair read over the supposed parchment and realised that it wasn't a letter at all. It was a wedding invitation addressed to all three of them. The card was a light blue and had silver-foiled lettering. The words printed on the front moved and bounced from a nifty charm that was probably suggested by Charlie to make the invitation look cooler and more striking.

To Mr Frederick Weasley, Mr George Weasley and Miss Blair Rosier,

You are invited to the wedding of William Arthur 'Bill' Weasley and Fleur Isabelle Delacour.

On the 1st of August 1997, join the couple to tie the knot and be bonded for life at the Weasley home, The Burrow.

Please RSVP to Molly Weasley ASAP

"They're having it at the house?" George said as he read over the top of Blair's head, turning to Fred once more. "You'd think Delacour would want a huge ceremony at a fancy French castle or something."

"Maybe they thought it would be safer if most of the Order are going to be there-"

Blair was cut off by a familiar miniature owl flying through the letter flap on the front door and begin circling around their heads with a letter in its beak. Pigwidgeon hooted and chirped with his wings speeding his tiny body throughout the store before finally settling on the counter. Blair decided to take the letter before the bird decided that he was too excited to sit still and let him jump up to fly out the door quicker than he had flown in.

"That's a Hogwarts seal, isn't it?" George pointed to the red wax that kept the letter closed, making Blair turn it over for all of them to see. They hadn't received a Hogwarts letter since Umbridge sent them their refusal of graduation certificates. It made the three worried that maybe something had gone wrong at the castle and letters had been sent to everyone who had once been involved with the school.

Cracking open the seal, Blair pulled out the parchment and began reading the cursive writing that she saw was signed off as Professor McGonagall's. Fred and George waited patiently for her to explain the letter and were concerned when she looked up at them with a crease in between her eyebrows and her lips pulled tightly into a frown.

"Ron's been poisoned."


It was odd apparating to Hogwarts. They had always taken the Hogwarts Express or their final leave on their brooms last year. If it had been any other situation, Fred would have surely been bouncing around from being able to apparate to their old school like adults. But it lost its novelty as the rest of the Weasley family had appeared with them after receiving the same urgent letter from Professor McGonagall. Molly had been nearly in tears when she had heard and insisted that the whole family go to the castle to see if their youngest son was in a stable condition. She had only just been recovering from the announcement of Bill proposing to Fleur, only to be put into a state of anxiety and extreme worry from the next letter that arrived with a barn owl from Hogwarts.

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