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Evan followed the path up to the house that sat along the dark street. The lampposts had been lit yet Evan's features were left hidden, just the way he liked it. The scratch along his cheekbone stung and his lip swelled, but they were only collateral damage to reach his true goal. The Aurors had ambushed him and his team and he had been the only one to escape. He knew they were tracking him and could appear at any moment, but he couldn't disappoint the Dark Lord. He had been so taken with her and had demanded that Evan bring her to him.

He didn't look over his shoulder as he swaggered up to the porch and walked in without knocking. He didn't fear death and would fight to the very end, as long as the child got into the hands of the Dark Lord. Only then, could the Aurors come and do with him as they please.

"Get out of here, Evan," Jesse's voice stopped him climbing the staircase that he hadn't taken his gaze off. The house was dark with the lights being extinguished by Jesse. She knew he was coming and attempted to make the house seem like it was empty. But Evan knew better.

"Where's the child?" he ignored her and looked at her with his clear blue eyes.

Jesse Yaxley had only been a girl he had gone to Hogwarts with in his youth. They had a relationship that he had successfully been able to feign interest in right up until Jesse said she was pregnant. She had been a perfect target with her pureblood status. Her brother had been keen on following You Know Who also, making her useful and worthy of bearing a Rosier's child. With her black irises and dark brown hair, she was actually quite beautiful. But Evan didn't have time for such things and was only devoted to serving the Dark Lord.

"Her name is Blair! She is not an object!" Jesse fought, clutching her wand tightly in her hand as she seethed at the man. She couldn't believe that she had once loved him once. He had been so sweet to her while at school, but he had changed dramatically since then. She knew her brother and Evan had gotten along well, but that wasn't a good thing. They both had gotten themselves mixed in with Death Eaters and were now wanted by the Ministry for many offences. She refused to do the same and had attempted to hide in the Muggle world while the war raged on. But deep down, she knew her attempts were futile. Evan was intelligent and would be able to find her no matter what country, state or world she tried to hide in.

"Don't waste your purity, Jesse," Evan calmly said, but his tone was dull like concrete. "It would be a shame to waste your blood over this."

"You will not drag her into your mess, Evan!" Jesse pointed her wand at his chest while continuing her bravery. She had been sorted into Slytherin at Hogwarts but held many Gryffindor qualities. But she'd never admit that she asked the Sorting Hat to place her in the house of burgundy and gold.

"She has a life ahead of her! A good life! And when this war is over and you're rotting in Azkaban, she will be good and not the slightest bit like you!"

Baby Blair laid in her crib upstairs listening to the loud argument. The sound of her mother's voice calmed her regardless of it's harsh tone, but the man who replied to her cries was someone she didn't recognise. Blair stayed quiet, making no gurgling noises or baby nonsense, and was able to hear a sudden cry of foreign words and the sound of a loud thud. It went silent once more, before footsteps began climbing the stairs and echo through the hallway.

Evan pushed open the door and stalked towards the crib, seeing the child laying on her back and staring up at him with eyes that had been passed down to her from her mother. He felt nothing but anticipation for the baby girl. She was not his child; she was his prize. His presentation to the Dark Lord. The only significance that tied the two together was the thin black strands of hair on Blair's head and the pure blood that ran through her veins.

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