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Blair stared back at George in an attempt to appear unfased by his question and sudden appearance at the Ravenclaw table. She wasn't the only one who had noticed his seating choice as most of the Ravenclaws had been distracted from their breakfasts' and whispered to each other. It wasn't against any rules to sit at other houses' tables, but it wasn't something that was done often. Especially between houses like Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. However, one wouldn't want to think about what it would be like if it was a Gryffindor choosing to sit at the Slytherin table.

George cleared his throat again from the lack of response from Blair. He suddenly regretted his decision to sit with her and wanted nothing more than to jump up from his seat and head over to the Gryffindor table. It would be painful to sit through Fred's continuous questioning, but it seemed more appealing than continuing to sit at this table. But George Weasley was not a quitter. He had chosen to sit at this table and he will do so until he needed to head to his first class.

"Do you have Potions first?" he decided to ask and gestured to the parchment in Blair's hand. He prayed to Merlin that she would nod her head as it would give him an excuse as to why he chose to sit at the Ravenclaw table today. He would be even more humiliated if she didn't have Potions first.

Wordlessly, Blair stood up from her bench and pulled out her Advanced Potions Making book from her bag. As if she purposely let George see it, the boy recognised the purple textbook cover and inwardly sighed in relief. But Blair barely looked at him before she started walking away from the table and making her way towards the door, leaving George at the hands of staring Ravenclaws.

"Do you like Potions?" George questioned as he jogged to catch up with her. The two were now walking to the staircase that would lead down towards the dungeons where Professor Snape's class would be.

Blair stared ahead as she descended the stairs, now becoming irritated at his presence. She never had someone to walk to class with and had never wanted it any different. She liked the quiet walks down the hallways and finding a seat without anyone's intervention. But George seemed to want a conversation during this walk and Blair wasn't ready for that. But she forced herself not to say anything and continued staring straight ahead.

"I barely made it into this class this year," George continued with a shrug of his shoulders. "It was only Potions and Charms that I got an Outstanding in. Mum wasn't too happy."

Even though George wasn't getting a response from Blair, he couldn't help but ramble to fill the silence. The only things he knew he was good at were pranks, Quidditch and talking. But usually his talking was to tease and purposely annoy. Hopefully, this was one of those times where he wasn't being annoying. And for some reason, he was nervous to be next to Blair. He had never been nervous from being next to a girl before and the only thing that seemed to stop him from visibly sweating was rambling.

"Unfortunately Freddie got his last Outstanding in Herbology instead of Potions," he continued. "He sucks at Potions. Can't sit still for a minute to let his draughts brew."

Luckily for Blair, they had made it to the dungeons and were steps away from Professor Snape's classroom. Blair hoped she didn't seem eager to make it through the door but had sat herself down on the stool she always took before she had even realised. The table usually consisted of Lee Jordan, Nancy Lindor (a Ravenclaw), Angelina Johnson and Fred Weasley. But seeing as Fred hadn't made it to Potions this year, as Blair unwillingly found out from George, a stool was left spare at the square table.

"Mr Weasley, can you take a seat so that I can start my lesson?" Professor Snape's dreary voice made Blair look over her shoulder to see that George had entered the room yet was left standing in the doorway. The boy looked towards Lee who sat next to the spare stool and gave him an inquisitive look as to why he wasn't sitting in his usual spot next to Blair. Lee noticed his stare and gave him a smirk, motioning his eyes towards the stool like he had planned. George knew exactly what was going on and went to send him a harsh glare, only to be stopped by Snape's voice once more.

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