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Blair apparated with Fred and George to Platform nine and three-quarters from Grimmauld Place. The twins made sure to rub it into Ron and Ginny's face that they could sleep in that little bit longer and just appear on the platform one minute before the Hogwarts Express was set to leave at eleven o'clock. Blair bid Sirius goodbye and thanked him constantly for giving her a place to stay for the summer break, and was overjoyed when he said that she could come back and stay with him between semesters. He said that the Weasleys and Harry would most likely be coming too as Order meetings would continue taking place at his house.

Carrying Jasper in her arms and instead of in his carrier case, Blair popped into view behind a pillar and stepped out to see the red steam engine that was surrounded by new and reoccurring witches and wizards on their way to Hogwarts. Fred and George immediately got to work in handing sample treats out to the younger students on the train, hoping to get the youngest of generations interested in their shop that was currently in construction. Blair charmed her trunk to slide neatly next to George's in one of the compartments before settling down on the bench below it.

"Whoever cleans the train is going to get a whole lot of sick to clean," Fred sniggered as he sat opposite Blair with his pockets now empty of sampled sweets.

"Whether it's Filch or some other poor sod, it'll be nothing compared to when we've got unlimited supplies," George added while taking the seat next to Blair. The brothers laughed and Blair let Jasper hop on to the bench next to her, the train now moving and departing from the station. She waved out the window to Mrs and Mr Weasley who stood with Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin. The Order members had come along saying that they were here to give support for Harry who would now have to face personal backlash from the people who didn't believe his claims from last year, but everyone knew they were really here as protection.

It felt odd to have someone sitting willingly in the compartment with her and to have someone to wave to on the way out. Blair had spent all of her journeys to Hogwarts alone and ignoring all of the parents and siblings that waved on the platform. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed in just one year.

"I need to do some patrolling," Blair announced as she pinned her badge to her jumper and stood up from the bench. "I need to find whoever the Head Boy is too."

"You're really going to leave your beast here with us?" Fred raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smirk growing on his lips, eyeing the feline that blinked back at him innocently. Blair glanced at Jasper worryingly before looking to George, putting the cat on to his lap for safe keeping.

"Don't let him to get to him," she instructed and reached down to press her lips against his, making him hum in delight and cradle Jasper to his chest.

"I will. Good luck," George replied and Fred could be heard retching in the background.

Blair left the compartment and slid the door shut, leaving the twins by themselves with Jasper safe in George's arms. Fred rolled his eyes when she left and put his feet up on to the seat, stretching his legs out obnoxiously so that when Lee came in, he'd have to sit next to George and the monster with fur. Jasper curled up on George's thighs and settled for a nap, content in his second favourite person's company but still aware of his twin that sat glaring at him. George was left in silence and looked at his brother with hard eyes.

"What do you have against Blair, Freddie?" he sighed and the said boy turned to look at George with a raised eyebrow. "I know not everyone can get along, but she's never done anything to you. Do you have to be so indifferent?"

"I'm not indifferent," Fred defended but faltered in the slightest. "I just... she's a Ravenclaw."

"I know for a fact that's not the reason. Ravenclaws are probably the most tolerable out of the other houses," George shrugged. "Hufflepuffs are okay too, but they're pushovers sometimes."

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