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Blair's next Defence Against the Dark Arts class was where everything turned sour at Hogwarts. Apparently, Professor Umbridge had been using Blood Quills for her many detentions she had dished out. These quills used the user's blood as its ink, scratching the exact words that are written into the back of the user's hand. And because it wasn't the Middle Ages anymore and people actually liked their children, this didn't settle well with the other teachers. Professor McGonagall had been the one to confront Umbridge in the middle of the grand staircase at breakfast time one morning, crying that such a punishment is not worthy for any situation.

This led to Professor Umbridge becoming what she called the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. An official decree was hammered into the wall above the arches of the Great Hall's entrance, stating that Cornelius Fudge had signed off on this action and that Professor Umbridge was to report on the other teacher's teaching methods in their classrooms. You couldn't step into a class and not see the pink toad that sat with her clipboard at the back of the room. She would even interrupt lessons with her ridiculous 'hem hem' and inquire about certain things that were in the curriculum. Professor Trelawney and Professor Flitwick had been her targets lately.

But most of her antics hadn't really affected Blair yet. She hadn't heard about anyone of her friends who had been given a detention with the use of the Blood Quills (Harry had kept his a secret from those who hadn't already seen it). And she usually was either too immersed in her school work or being pestered by George for attention to take any notice of Umbridge's annoying questions. That was until her double period on Wednesday of Umbridge's class.

"Miss?" George broke the thick silence in the classroom. They had been set to read their pointless textbooks on basic defence spells that wouldn't even block a flubberworm from attacking you. George hadn't been reading at all and had spent most of the hour picking at the strands that hung from his jumper sleeve.

"Do you have a question about the chapter, Mr Weasley?" Umbridge questioned when she saw his hand in the air. She had resisted the urge to let her irritation to show from the interruption from one of the two people she had been getting the hardest of times from. She knew the Weasley twins well and knew they were always up to no good.

"Yeah, I do actually," he answered and everyone looked up from their books, turning their gazes to him in shock. Never had George Weasley asked a question that was actually relevant to the class work. It was always a sarcastic comment on how good the Professor's hair looked that day or about her outfit choice. Even Blair turned to her left to look at her boyfriend who held an emotionless face next to her.

Professor Umbridge's shoulders straightened and tried not to appear as shocked as the rest of the class. She gathered her posh manner and shot a look to the class that stared at her, forcing them to continue reading their books. As she stood down from the raised floor and started to make her way down the isle of desks, students peaked their eyes over their arms to watch her stop next to Blair and George's desk.

"What would you like to ask, Mr Weasley?" the woman said as she looked over Blair, who appeared to be reading but was shifting her eyes in George's direction asking what in the world he was planning to do. 

George's blank expression morphed into another that made Blair's stomach drop to her knees. She knew the look well enough from her time of knowing George and it meant nothing pleasant. It was the look that was seen moments before disaster and Blair feared for both his and Umbridge's life that was bound to be threatened in some way or another.

The scream that echoed throughout the room made students drop their textbooks that were sitting upright on their desks. Professor Umbridge stumbled backwards from the table and into Fred who had been sitting just behind her. Fred cringed like he had just been touched by the vilest thing in the world and jerked into Lee's direction, trying to get away from the woman to the best of his abilities. The Professor quickly stood up straight and put her hand to her eye, covering the bruise that was already beginning to form in her socket. Her immaculate fingers shook as a tiny whimper left her mouth, trembling in what everyone thought was shock. But it was anger. Anger like nothing she had felt before.

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