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The weekend came quicker than expected and Blair soon found that she was struggling to find something to wear. Never had she ever dressed to impress before and she wasn't sure why she was suddenly trying so hard to in this instance. She was sure that George would turn up in a sweater and jeans that would be identical to his brother's, so why was she trying so hard? She even had pulled on a light blue denim jacket over her black jumper and it felt odd to be wearing something other than black.

Blair huffed as she let her hair fall down her back, giving up in trying to tie it up into a bun that looked suitable. She looked to Jasper who was perched in the middle of her duvet watching her lazily. He was allowed to stay in bed all day while Blair had to go to a place that she had never been to before with a boy who had attempted to kiss her only days before.

That was something she was also worrying about. There was no doubt that George had the intention of kissing her at the party in the Gryffindor common room and they hadn't mentioned or discussed it at all since then. She was aware of the looks she received from Ginny but nothing was ever said about the moment between Blair and George. He hadn't hinted towards it either so it made Blair think that maybe it wasn't actually going to happen. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment. Or maybe he was partially drunk and couldn't keep himself up right in his seat. But Blair swore she never saw him drinking anything that night.

"What are you getting all dressed up for?"

Blair whipped around and saw Poppy standing in the doorway with a knowing look on her face. The girl's eyes ran over the blue jacket and raised her eyebrows twice at Blair. She suddenly felt self conscious and tugged at the openings of the jacket, looking down at her feet while biting her lip.

"Does it look stupid?" she questioned and Poppy immediately started shaking her head.

"Of course not! You look great!" she exclaimed and walked further into the room, sitting on the edge of her own bed. "But can I ask who are you looking so great for?"

"It's no one..."

"Is it that Weasley twin?" Poppy inquired and Blair immediately felt heat rise to her cheeks. "Oooo it is! Which one is it?!"

"George," Blair's mouth was answering for her without even consulting her brain. Never in Blair's life did she think she would be telling her dormitory mate about her day out with a boy. If the younger Blair heard about this, she would be distraught and vow to never grow up.

"Is it a date?" Poppy asked again with a grin.

"I-I don't know," Blair shrugged.

"Will his brother be there?"

"I don't think so."

"Did he tell you where you're going today?"

"Not really."

"Then it's definitely a date!" she jumped up from her bed and cooed at Blair's blushing face. "Do you like him, Blair?"

"I-I'm not sure," she said truthfully. "He's kind of a pain in the ass if I'm honest."

"Eh, all boys are," Poppy mentioned with a shrug. "But I think it's sweet that you're finally going out with someone other than your cat. Don't get me wrong, he's adorable. But I've never seen you talk to anyone before and now you're always with the Weasley twin. It's cute."

Blair thought over Poppy's words and compared her life to how it was before the start of the school year. She was more social now and she even dared to say that she was happier. And it's not like she was having to sacrifice anything to be this way. She still had her down times with her books in the common room and she still studied as much as she needed to excel in her classes. Only now, she had a balance of her social life, her school life and her leisure time.

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