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The next morning, Blair needed to will her body out of bed. The party that had taken place in the common room yesterday went way into the night, ending at four in the morning. While Jasper was able to retreat upstairs at midnight and snuggle into her covers, Blair stayed downstairs until the last person decided that it was time to retire to their dormitory. Everyone actually forgot what they were celebrating and continued partying into the early hours of the morning. At some point, someone had brought in fire-whiskey and alcoholic Butterbeer (Blair suspected Fred). Those were consumed immediately and most people were needed to be guided up to their rooms. Blair was sensible and only had two shots of fire-whiskey, but considering how sickly she felt in the morning, she suspected she had been poured more than that.

"There she is! The party animal!" Nancy's voice pounded inside Blair's head and she groaned into her pillow. The zombie-like noise caused Jasper to poke his head out from being buried into his tail and look to his owner, soon getting up and padding towards her.

"What time is it?" Blair said crankily, Jasper bopping his nose against her fingers that gripped the duvet.

"Nearly nine."

"Why are you waking me so early? It's Sunday."

"We have that meeting in The Hog's Head, remember?"

Whether Nancy was invited by Hermione or not, Blair didn't bother asking how she knew about that. She only knew that she was tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep the entire day away. She vaguely remembered the Gryffindors heading back to their common room at three in the morning, Fred stumbling out with the reluctant help from Ginny. George was thankfully completely competent and said he'd get his siblings back to the Gryffindor tower safely. She remembered him kissing her forehead and mumbling a loving farewell, before disappearing out the room and leaving her to deal with the few Ravenclaws that refused to head upstairs.

"Come on, star player! I want to at least get breakfast," Nancy persisted, grabbing Jasper off of Blair's bed and putting him on hers so that she could rip the duvet back.

Ravenclaw wouldn't be having another Quidditch match until after the match between Slythering and Hufflepuff. They would then verse Gryffindor, which should be interesting. Blair had never focused on the Gryffindor team and its players before meeting George and the entire group. She was giddy to experience what events were bound to happen with both Fred and George on the opposite team; them being Beaters was even more interesting. But Blair was glad that there was no possibility of more Ravenclaw celebration parties until then. She was ready to have her quiet common room back.

Heading into the Great Hall, Blair decided to sit at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast. She sat with Nancy, Mina and Poppy who also stated that they'd be attending the private meeting at The Hog's Head. They had been told by Terry Boot, who had been told by Hermione to only invite those who were willing to be sensible and take the topic of teaching real defence spells seriously. Other students like Padma Patil and Michael Corner would also be tagging along to listen to what the meeting was going to be about.

"When are you going to make up some more of those potions?" Mina questioned, munching into her French toast.

"I forgot about that. I was going to try making some more last night..." Blair pondered aloud, pushing her fruit salad around and sipping her tea that she hoped would perk her up. She remembered Fred and George's offer to start selling the potion in order to have a steady ingredient income system, rather than stealing from Professor Snape's sacred collection. At this point, it seemed like the only option. It was only a matter of time before people start returning to her for a fresh batch and she would hate to deny students that were obviously in need of a cure to their pain.

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