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The day came for the first task of the Triwizard tournament. The whole castle was practically humming in anticipation while the four champions could be seen as pale as ghosts and ready to pass out. Harry was by far the worst.

The boy had most of the school against him and the only people who seemed to be giving him advice was Hermione and Professor Moody. The Professor had taken a strange liking to Harry and decided to be his mentor during the tournament. Professor Dumbledore could sometimes be seen with Cedric, while Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour had their Headmaster/mistress constantly in their ear.

Blair made her way out of the castle and towards the Quidditch stadium where the first task would be taking place. She had sat down for breakfast at the Gryffindor table only to have Ginny appear and ask if she wanted to go down to the stadium together. Blair was surprised at the request but agreed. She liked Ginny and now counted her as a good friend. She had briefly talked to Hermione as well, but the girl was occupied with helping Harry, so Ginny was the one Blair would mostly find herself talking to.

"He's taking it hard," Ginny stated as they walked the school grounds. "Hermione's been constantly taking him to the library as well as McGonagall's classroom. Something about teaching him advanced spells so he'd at least have a chance."

"I can't imagine how he'd be feeling right now," Blair mumbled. Ginny was about to reply when they heard the voices of Fred and George yelling from nearby.

"Will Miss Delacour have her ponytail singed?"

"Will Krum's big head get in the way of his spell work?"

"Place your bets and make some galleons!"

"Should have guessed they'd take advantage of this," Blair held back a smile at the sight the two giving out slips to those who'd bet on their chosen champion.

"Speaking of them-" Ginny started and turned to Blair with a knowing look. "-I heard that you and George were seen in Hogsmeade together. Care to explain?"

Blair blinked and looked down to her gloved hands. Their day at Hogsmeade seemed to have changed the way she and George viewed each other. They hadn't held holding hands again but Blair had to admit that she loved being in his company. And he hadn't mentioned the sweet peck she gave him on the cheek, but had started to send her flirtatious winks in the corridors and across the table in the Great Hall. She was sure that he was trying to remind her of the kiss and was always open for another.

"I never got my permission slip signed so he showed me a secret tunnel," she started. "He took me to Honeydukes and Gladrags too."

"And?" Ginny drew out the word and Blair forced down the warmth that fought its way up to her face.


"Hermione said she saw you two getting cozy in The Three Broomsticks as well," Ginny raised her eyebrows and displayed the classic Weasley grin. "Something about you two having one of your hands glued to each others?"

"Um yeah..." Blair trailed off. "Oh look, there's Hermione!"

Ginny rolled her eyes and looked up to see that they had entered into the stadium and saw Hermione waving from the stands. Ron could be seen standing next to her in a foul mood at being at the first task to watch his once best friend compete. Dean and Seamus were next to him chatting avidly about rooting for Cedric. The Hufflepuff was definitely the favourite for Hogwarts regardless of the fact that Harry was a Gryffindor.

"How's he doing?" Ginny asked once they arrived next to Hermione.

"Nervous of course," Hermione huffed with her eyes switching from the middle of the stadium and up to Ginny. "That awful Prophet writer Rita Skeeter's been going for him nonstop! I don't know how she's even allowed into the school grounds!"

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