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Blair considered not even attending the final task of the Triwizard tournament. She spent the rest of her afternoon sitting in front of the fire in the Ravenclaw common room, regretting everything she had said to George. It all could have been avoided if he hadn't persisted to be told about why she was upset and why she didn't want to go home over the school break. She wouldn't have been so stubborn and wouldn't have refused to stop and listen to what he had to say. When she was running up the spiral staircase and could hear his desperate footsteps behind her, she could barely think straight as the tears leaked from her eyes.

In all honesty, she was afraid to go back to the sort of life she lived outside of Hogwarts. She had enjoyed herself so much this year with her new friends that she didn't think she could survive when going back to the coldness and loneliness that was waiting for her at the orphanage. But instead of accepting George's help that she knew he was willing to give (because that was the sort of person that she knew he was), she ran away and sulked alone in front of the fire.

How many times this year had she felt this way? How many times had she felt guilty and regretful for the things she said and the way she's treated George? She questioned whether she even deserved his company, as all she ever did was turn away from him and close off to his kind and caring nature.

"What are you still doing here, Blair?" she was pulled from her pitiful thoughts at the sound of Mina's voice calling to her from behind. She looked over her shoulder and saw Mina, Poppy and Nancy dressed in their jumpers and warm clothes. The three looked at her as she was still in her school uniform and her robe hanging half off her shoulders. She didn't look like she had any intention to move and it made the three girls look to each other with puzzled expressions.

"Are you coming to watch the third task?" Nancy decided to ask when Blair made no move to speak.

"I'm not sure," she forced herself to reply. "I might just stay here."

"Why? Surely you want to see if Potter or Diggory wins," Poppy said but Mina and Nancy saw the reluctant look on Blair's face that wasn't a result of the task itself.

"Is it something to do with George?" Mina questioned and Blair sighed aloud, turning back to face the fireplace.

The three girls moved from their places and took seats on the armchairs to face Blair. They had become accustomed to Blair's down moments and were skilled in noticing whenever something was wrong. Whenever something seemed wrong, they assumed it had to do with George. They knew he was the only one she would get upset or worry about. They did consider her a new friend and Ravenclaws were known for their wisdom and wit. So it was time to put it to use.

"Did you guys fight about something?" Nancy asked.

"Not a fight as such," Blair shook her head and stared at the roaring fire. "I think I just... overreacted about something."

"Well Wealsey's an understanding guy. More than his twin anyway," Poppy added with a small shrug of her shoulders. "I'm sure he'd be open for an explanation from you. Everyone knows that he likes you. A lot."

Blair blushed at the mention of George liking her and felt silly for the giddy sensation that bubbled in her chest. No matter how much she thought about it, it never really sunk in that she and George were in a relationship that was more than just friends. The label that George had mentioned was 'dating' and that was more than Blair ever thought she could get with another human being. 

Moving on from that, Blair considered what Poppy had mentioned about George being open for an explanation. She wasn't one for talking things out when she came to a standstill with another person. Her method was letting things blow over before hopefully slipping back into the friendly position she had before. But the feeling of guilt that brewed within Blair was unbearable and made her want to curl up into a ball.

Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora