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The bus that had passed through Fred and Blair suddenly burst into flames. The vehicle swerved and began to collide with black taxis and other red buses that were in the surrounding lanes. People screamed and froze on the sidewalks, watching the spontaneous combustion cause the bus to smash into the grand shop John Lewis. Muggles were able to jump out of the way, but the glass that shattered from the windows rained over their heads and caused minor cuts and bruises.

As if one explosion wasn't enough, a black taxi suddenly caught alight and was able to emergency break in the middle of the road. The driver jumped out unharmed and stumbled out of the street. But cars, buses and motorcycles behind the once driving taxi weren't able to stop in time after being distracted from the explosions and screaming pedestrians. Tires screeched and more Muggles screamed; the street now in utter chaos with crashing vehicles, smashed glass and roaring flames.

Blair and Fred had froze in the middle of the street, their invisibility spell worn off and only being protected by a force field made from Blair's quick wit. No one bothered to acknowledge the two as they were too busy running and screaming from Fletcher, who stood on the sidewalk with a wide grin on his face. The wizard had been the cause of the all the destruction and could see that Blair and Fred weren't expecting him to have the balls to reveal the existence of magic folk.

But it wasn't the time to worry about Muggles knowing about the Wizarding world, as they were now being targeted by Fletcher Potts. The street had momentarily stopped it's busyness from the many collisions and flaming vehicles that were due to explode any second now, making the risk of being hit by cars the least of their problems. Fred held his wand out in front of him without having to worry about being seen by Muggles and started to send hexes back to Fletcher. In the mean time, Blair made one of the smartest decisions she had made in her life.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The silvery owl flew out of the tip of her wand and flew up into the sky. Blair watched as it disappeared over buildings to find its multiple owners of the Order of the Phoenix. They needed help and it would be foolish to think they could take Fletcher and obliviate all these Muggles by themselves. Fred seemed to be set on duelling with Fletcher with his impressive non-verbal spells, but would need help with holding him back and keeping him from causing anymore destruction. But he wanted to make it personal as Jasper's death had not yet been avenged.

"What an absolute tool," Fred grumbled and was seething at the sight of the murderer of Jasper Rosier. How dare he show his face after what he did. If Potts wasn't holding a wand, Fred would have used his fists to make the man bloodier than a massacre.

"Expelliarmus!" Fletcher cried but had his scarlet spell blocked by a swish of Fred's wand. Fletcher was still too ignorant to learn how to perform magic without verbally crying aloud the charms. Fred was able to predict what spells the Death Eater was about to cast and would already be thinking of a counter jinx to stop him in his tracks.

Within minutes of duelling, mists of pure white flew over the tall grey buildings and landed on the street around Blair and Fred. Fletcher looked around in confusion and realised what was happening, putting him into a state of irritation. The Order of the Phoenix appeared and pointed their wands at Fletcher, making him heavily outnumbered and foolish to think he could have succeeded in his mission of ambushing Blair and Fred.

"Drop you wand and surrender!" Mad-Eye demanded, his teeth clenched and his accent prominent in his butch tone. 

Blair looked around and saw that George had appeared with the rest of the Order; his eyes in their corners to look at her while he pointed his wand at the Death Eater. He was still in his brown suit that he wore around the shop, reminding Blair that he had been helping Verity when he had been summoned by her Patronus. In any other situation, she would have felt bad for pulling him away from his work and leaving Verity to fend for herself. But Blair thought that this was definitely a time for the entire Order to be together.

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