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A flare sparked in Blair's stomach and she grumbled, the smirk on George's face making her want to knock him off his broom. It was now her time to show what she could do and give the Weasleys what they had been waiting for.

The quaffle headed back to the middle and Blair prepared her form, leaning low over her broom as she eyed the three Chasers of the Gryffindor team. Angelina, Katie and Alicia were all nice girls (even with the slight unnecessary hatred for Alicia because of last year's dance classes) and Blair wasn't intending to play dirty with them. However, she wanted to make sure that they didn't even touch the quaffle for the rest of the game. Blair was going to take charge and just pray that Anthony and Roger understood what she was doing and back her up. Taking one last glance towards George who hung back near the Keeper, the flare inside of her flickered when he sent her a sly wink.

Shooting forward, Blair clasped the quaffle and took it under her arm. She weaved around Angelina and ducked under Alicia, aware that Katie was close on her tail. She heard the sound of a bludger heading from above and pulled a sharp turn, making the bludger skim past Katie's shoulder and disorientate her momentarily.

"Rosier's heading for the goals!" Lee cried. "Goldstein and Davies are close by. Will she pass the quaffle or try her luck solo?"

Dodging the other bludger that was wacked her way by George, she reared her arm back and threw the quaffle towards the middle hoop. The Keeper had been distracted by Anthony who was offering to take the shot, allowing Blair to score near unchallenged.

"And Ravenclaw scores!" Lee tried to sound excited but was obviously bummed for his team.

Blair tried not to appear too happy and turned around from the goals, heading back to the middle with the rest of her team. She passed the Gryffindor Chasers and saw Harry flying around with Cho hot on his tail, the two searching everywhere for the tiny golden ball. They didn't need to find the snitch yet as the scores were still low, but Blair hoped that Cho could pull through when they needed it the most.  Pulling her gaze from the Seekers, Blair turned and saw that Fred and George were sitting on their brooms up head with their arms crossed. Both of their right legs were hanging off, showing their incredible balance and show-off antics. But the smirks that usually donned their faces had fallen away and showed unimpressed looks, making Blair feel even better about her goal.

"What's with the frowns, boys?" she innocently asked, passing through the space they left between each other.

"You planned this," Fred hissed back, him and his brother looking over their shoulders at her. "You wanted us to think you sucked."

"Hey now, that wouldn't be very nice of me," she feigned offence before looking at George specifically, giving him her most angelic smile. "And if you keep thinking so badly of me, I think you'll find there will be no hair pulling tonight."

"What is she talk- oh ewwww," Fred cringed once Blair had flown back to middle. He saw George's fallen jaw and rosy cheeks and Fred chose to fly off to the other side of the pitch, not wanting to be anywhere near the sinful brother of his.

George regained his sense quickly once the quaffle had been thrown again and Blair had somehow gotten a hold of it once more. He saw her toss it to Roger, leaving him to weave through the Chasers and nearly knock Fred off of his broom. Roger then threw it over Alicia's head to Blair and she headed for the goals again. George gripped his Beater's bat and headed for the bludger that had been initially aimed at Cho. He stopped it in its path and diverted it towards Blair, following after it in case it were to move off course.

"I see tension between Weasley and Rosier!" Lee mentioned and the stadium's attention turned to the two. "Hopefully this won't dampen their relationship! But what can really come between a good game of Quiddit-"

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