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The two stopped as their words overlapped perfectly before letting out small giggles. The audience around them continued to have their own conversations while Blair and George stared at each other in a form of awkwardness. They both felt the similar need to apologise for their behaviour earlier this evening, but the added atmosphere around them made it difficult.

"You don't have anything to apologise for, George," Blair sighed. "I shouldn't have been so... aggressive."

"You weren't aggressive. You're just a little defensive," George shrugged but then realised what he had said. His eyes widened and he held his hands up to emphasise his next words. "A-And that's a good thing! At least you're not a push over Hufflepuff."

"Um thanks?" she replied with a raised eyebrow. "They're not pushovers. They're just docile. Unlike you Gryffindors who think everyone's out to get them."

"That's not true! We're just prideful!" George put a hand over his heart and could feel his chest lightening at the sight of Blair's smile. Her eyes had changed from what they were earlier as the tiny twinkle that was in her dark irises had returned. It may not be as bright as it has been in the past, but it was present. He hadn't realised how dark Blair's eyes really were without the twinkle, and he hoped that he'd never have to see them like that again. They reminded him of the Black Lake and the Giant Squid was the hidden twinkle that was often said to be a myth. But he'd never voice this comparison to Blair as he'd surely get an offended look and maybe a hex sent his way.

"I am sorry though," Blair moved back to the original subject, adjusting her tight blouse and buttoning up the open collar. "I know I'm... difficult. All I seem to do is to regret everything."

"You are a little difficult, I suppose. But please don't feel like everything's your fault. I know you're not open about some things and I should respect that. But I want you to know that you can talk to me, Blair. You have people here to support you," George gestured to the three girls beside her that were not-so-subtly eavesdropping on their conversation. Blair was prepared to swipe her hand against George's arm at first for admitting that she was difficult, but melted under his stare as he continued. He looked down at her with such gentleness in his eyes that she'd think he was looking at a new born baby or a kitten.

Blair felt a smile stretch on to her face and George smiled back in return. She leaned forward and pressed her lips softly against his, her eyes sliding shut and the noise around them blurred into a low hum. George didn't hesitate to return the gentle kiss and put his hand on her bare knee, forgetting about the fact that nearly Blair's entire bottom half was exposed. Nancy, Mina and Poppy grinned to each other as they watched from next to them, not daring to break up the moment that they had been hoping for. 

George pulled away first but let Blair's bottom lip tug between his for moment, before both of their eyes opening and staring at each other. Even though Blair wasn't completely satisfied with still having to go back to the orphanage, she at least wouldn't have to spend the entirety of the holidays worrying whether George still wanted to 'deal'  with her. And what he had said had been true. She had people that she could talk to and make the situation that little bit lighter. She may not be able to send letters while at the orphanage, but she was able to receive them as long as the owls sending them weren't seen.

"My parents are here by the way," he spoke up after a while. "They want to meet you."

"Dressed like this?!" Blair gasped and gestured down to her clothing.

"There's nothing wrong with it," George shrugged, trying his best to keep his ears from visibly flaring up at the sight of her smooth legs. "It's cute."

"There's everything wrong with it."

The two were pulled from their discussion as Professor Dumbledore's voice rang out through the stadium and reminded them where they were. They had forgotten that they were attending the final task in a crowd of anticipating Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students. Because of their solved conflict, Blair felt no awkwardness in lacing her fingers with George's. She squeezed his palm and George turned to her, eyeing her side profile with admiration.

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