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The most festive day of the year finally graced Grimmauld Place. And it couldn't have been at a better time. Sirius had been convinced by the Weasleys that Christmas was not a time to be scowling at Kreacher and drinking wine until he couldn't walk straight. For Harry's sake, the man decided that he would get into the Christmas spirit. His godson hadn't been particularly happy since the snake attack he was sure he caused somehow. Sirius decided that he'd work his Marauder magic. And what better way than to do that by wearing an amusing Christmas hat that had Father Christmas's head on it. He even switched out his wine for a glass of eggnog. He sung carols in a jolly tone to which had caused Kreacher to curl up in his den under the sink in the kitchen. Sirius had never been so jolly and it gave the cold and dark home that extra piece of festivity.

Everyone gathered at the dining table in the kitchen in their dressing gowns and slippers. The snow had layered the streets of London and the chill flowed into the house regardless of its disillusion charm. Luckily, Molly had cast a heating charm over the room and the combination of the hot chocolate and waffles made everyone forget that it was minus twenty degrees outside.

"We'll do presents first and then we'll head off to discharge Arthur from the hospital," Molly announced as she grabbed the gifts from under the tiny Christmas tree that sat in the corner. She had been in much happier mood since the news of Arthur being able to come home for Christmas. "Oh and Blair, I've got yours upstairs so you can come up with me to get it."

"Why isn't hers under the tree?" George asked suspiciously, taking the orange-papered gift from his mother.

"I just..." Molly started but then waved her hand dismissively when she gave Ginny her present. "Don't worry yourself, Fred-"


"Don't wait for us! Blair, come with me upstairs," the woman motioned for the girl to follow her and she stood from her chair while being partially suspicious. Blair stuffed her hands into the pockets of her black dressing gown and left the kitchen with Mrs Weasley.

The stairs were in sight and Blair was under the impression that they'd climb them to reach the next floor, but Molly stopped her by smiling and crouching down to take the package that was sitting in the corner of the hallway. She held it in both hands and turned to the girl, her eyes suddenly teary and her smile tight.

"This is yours," her voice cracked and Blair was now confused and worried.

"Is it that awful that it's worth tears?" she joked, taking the surprisingly soft gift into her hands. But she stopped her giggles when Molly continued to display her watery smile. "What's wrong, Molly? Have I done something?"

"You've done nothing bad, dear," she spluttered."Nothing bad at all."

The sound of Blair's slippers shuffling against the floorboard filled the hallway that was otherwise silent, the faint voices of everyone in the kitchen slipping into the combination. The faint padding of Jasper's paws could be heard from the floors above, randomly zooming from spotting a mouse or trying to run Kreacher out of the room. Blair was starting to hear a faint ring from the silence and the tears that had slipped out of Molly's eyes were causing a deep ache in her chest.

"Your potion... your potion, Blair, I presented it at the last Order meeting," the woman started, reaching out to put her hand against the girl's arm. She wasn't sure if it was to keep her standing or if she was trying to be intimate during her words. Regardless of these possibilities, it caused Blair to be even more worried. The thought of the Order hearing about her spontaneous concoction and finding that it was worthy of a cell in Azkaban, was corrupting Blair's mind and causing her to prepare to grab Jasper and sprint out of the house.

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