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Poor Harry was forced to enter the tournament regardless of his age and insistence that he didn't put his name into the goblet. Blair experienced firsthand the sorts of backlash he was getting for entering as her common was filled with insults and hatred for the Gryffindor. If there's one thing Blair didn't like about her house, was that how bitchy Ravenclaws could be.

"He must have cursed the flame somehow!" Terry Boot cried.

"There's no way he could do that," Poppy sighed and turned to the fourth year. "Do you know how powerful the Goblet of Fire is? Some fourteen-year-old couldn't tamper with it."

"Well then how the hell did he get chosen?!" Michael Corner said with a gesture of his hands.

"Does it matter?" Nancy glared. "The poor kid's gonna die!"

"I think he'll be okay..." Cho Chang spoke up. "I've heard he's quite bright. He might make it."

Blair had had enough of the insults to the boy she classified as an acquaintance and stood up from the sofa, making her way to the girls dormitory. She couldn't read her book anyway in such noise and decided it was time to head to bed. Or maybe she wanted a quiet place to think about the possible date she had this weekend.

"Er Blair?"

She stopped on her pursuit and turned to see Mina glancing over her shoulder to the corridor. Other people in the common room looked curious at the mention of the usual wallflower and turned to Mina to eavesdrop.

"One of the Weasley twins is outside asking for you," she said and Blair felt her face heat up.

Stomping across the room with the eyes of every Ravenclaw on her, Blair was ready to clobber George for coming all the way here for whatever reason. As if he hadn't embarrassed her enough since the start of the school year, she wasn't prepared to have her whole house know of the odd friendship between her and George.

She pushed open the wooden door and saw the boy standing there with a rolled up velvet cloak in his hands as he bounced on his heels impatiently. He was looking down the hallway either side of him when he looked up and beamed at the sight of Blair, unaware of the unimpressed look he was being given.

"Hey!" he cheered. "I know this is a bit sudden, but we're having a party in our common room for Harry being chosen as a champion! I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"How did you get here without being seen? It's past curfew," Blair said and George held up the cloak in his hands.

"If you can keep a secret, I'll tell you when we get there," he bargained.

"George, it's a school night, "she sighed. "I'll have to come all the way back here afterwards-"

"I'll come with you," he stopped her and tried to stop his heavily beating heart. "I'll bring you back here and make sure we're not caught. Come on, it'll be fun!"

Blair thought about her warm bed that sat upstairs with Jasper curled up waiting for her. She had never attended any of the 'parties' that her own house had and she never even thought to attend the other houses'. But then again, she hadn't had any friends in any of the houses until this year. And she had to admit, she did like the Gryffindors that she had met. Maybe it was time to change.

Due to George's tall height, the cloak that covered them both exposed their feet and ankles. George had tried to bend over in order to make the cloak's invisibility more effective but it was proved to be useless, leaving them to hurry up the moving staircases towards the Gryffindor common room. Blair was still unsure about the whole ordeal and just prayed that George did this often enough to know the best ways to avoid being seen by Mr Filch.

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