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"So that's it then? You're not Head Girl anymore?" Fred repeated, staring down at the girl that was curled into George's side with her teary face buried in his shoulder. Blair shook her head and sniffled, causing George to rub his hand against her arm comfortingly.

The Gryffindor common room had been cleared by Lee when Blair walked through the portrait hole with tears streaming down her face. The twins and Lee had been sitting at the table when she appeared, making George lead her to the sofa and sitting her down with coos of asking what was wrong. Blair could barely get her words out as she hiccuped into her palms and eventually attached herself to her boyfriend, clutching his robe in her fist as she bawled into the material. George's heart ached at the sound of her cries and he wished that he had somehow known Umbridge was going to find Blair tonight, so that he could have hidden her away until they reached the Ravenclaw tower. But he supposed the effort would be a waste of time as the Professor would have eventually found Blair around the castle in the weeks to come.

"We're sorry, Blair," Lee's tone was sorrowful. "We're ready to pull her eyebrows off at this point."

"Surely Dumbledore will give it back to you. There's no way she can just take away things like that," Fred reasoned but Blair shook her head, raising it from George's shoulder. Her eyes were bloodshot and her skin was blotchy, her arm rising to wipe harshly at her nose. George stopped her and used his thumb to wipe at her tears, his worry intensifying when she barely flinched and didn't playfully swat his hand away like she was known to do.

"S-She can do what she wants now. T-There's no point in t-trying to get it back," she stuttered, her shoulders low and sagging in defeat.

"She's not getting away with this, Blair," George soothed. "We're giving her hell until the year ends. Mark my words."

Blair nodded lightly and didn't bother to try and change George's mind. She didn't want others to get in trouble for her sake, but she was too upset to fight back. She wanted to curl up into a ball and spend a week crying over today's disaster. It wasn't really about the taking of her Head Girl duties anymore. It was about the confrontation from Umbridge and being thrown into the deep end just because of the Professor's dislike with the group of Gryffindors Blair was known for associating with. She ironically felt small against the woman and felt that Hogwarts wasn't the place she could feel secure in anymore.

"Go head up to my room. You can sleep here with me for tonight," George said into her ear, ushering her up from the sofa and sending her smile as she sulked up the stairs to his room. Once she had disappeared around the corner, his smile dropped and he turned to his brother and friend with a hard look.

"How can she be so evil?" he asked, not expecting a logical answer. Fred and Lee shook their heads and ran their hands down their faces.

"I've never seen someone upset so many people in such short space of time. She's worse than Malfoy," Fred scoffed humourlessly. "We've got to plan something. Something big."

"Why not a collection of small petty things instead?" Lee suggested, a light bulb metaphorically hovering over his dreadlocked-head.

"Blair's got a game next weekend against Slytherin. Umbridge will surely be there," George mentioned. "What can we do, boys?"


The pitch had thankfully been cleared of all the snow that once piled up around the stadium. Winter was slinking away quicker than expected and was making way for spring. Hopefully, the flowers would return to the school grounds and everyone would feel more motivated to continue on with their lives rather than let Professor Umbridge bring them down with a stomp of her pink-shoed foot.

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