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"So you see, I actually lived in this house as a baby. I don't remember it but I've been told my parents lived here before they... disappeared," Blair explained to the Muggle who didn't look very convinced.

They had walked up to the porch and Blair knocked on the door, which eventually revealed a middle-aged man who wasn't expecting anyone at his house. His eyes fell on Blair first before wandering to the twins standing closely behind her. George forced a nervous smile while Fred blinked at the man plainly. If it had gone his way, the Muggle would be stunned on the floor and they'd be searching the house already. But no, they just had to stand on his porch and have Blair politely explain why they should be let into the house and search through it.

"I wasn't told that this house belonged to someone who was missing when I bought it," the man said in a standoffish manner. "And that was fifteen years ago."

"Well I suppose the house wouldn't have sold as quickly if they told everyone a possible murder had happened here," George sniggered lightly.

"Murder? You didn't say anything about murder," the man suddenly perked up and looked in a state of panic. Fred rolled his eyes and jabbed his elbow into George's side, making him wince and gulp at his careless wording.

"N-No one knows if it was a murder," Blair tried to cover up. "But it was suspected. Sir, I know this is weird, but I've been an orphan for most of my life. I don't have anything from my parents and I've just recently learnt who they were. The only things they had would have been in this house and if by any chance the state didn't take all of it, I'd really like to have something of there's at least. Please, sir?"

Blair made sure to intensify her eyes and stick out her lower lip ever so slightly, making her look younger and in need of solitude from her dead parents. The Muggle faltered in his solid stance and was wavering in his choice of slamming the door in her face. Fred and George resisted glancing at each other and grinning in triumph. If Blair was useful for anything (and she certainly was in other aspects), her ability to look like a five year old was as good as she got. Her height was a bonus and standing next to the twins emphasised her 5'3 ft frame.

"A-Alright, fine," the man sighed. "But I will be there with you! This is my house after all!"

"Thank you so much, sir!" Blair cheered and lost her teary eyes almost completely. But she didn't allow the Muggle to notice as she slipped through the door and was already in the house before he could change his mind. Fred and George followed in with a grateful nod to the man, their heads having to be ducked in order to avoid hitting the low door frame.

The man led the three up the stairs and on to the next floor. Blair half expected and hoped to still see picture frames of her and her family on the walls, but was disappointed when there were only ones of people she didn't recognise. Although, she wasn't sure if her mother would have even put up pictures in the first place. Blair always saw ones of the Weasley family in their home, so she thought that that was the sort of things families did. But somehow, she doubted her mother would have had pictures of her and her father up on the wall.

"This'll be the only place that there would be things from before I moved in," the man said as he pointed up at the small door that sat on the ceiling with a thin string hanging from it. "I don't have enough things to store in the loft. So I don't think I've ever been up there."

He pulled at the string and the twins jumped in surprise when a set of stairs fell out and structured itself against the floor. They hadn't seen this sort of the contraption before and they whipped their heads up to the loft and down to where the stairs touched the carpet in amazement. The Muggle barely realised and began climbing, motioning for them to follow after him into the darkness of the roof.

Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ