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Finally, the day of Fleur and Bill's wedding came to The Burrow. Molly Weasley was on the brink of insanity with the preparations and before the guests even started arriving, she was swaying on her feet and sweating profusely. Arthur had to settle her down in the living room while everyone else put did the finishing touches  for the ceremony.

Fleur had Ginny and her younger sister Isabelle helping her get ready in Ginny's room upstairs, while Bill and Charlie were doing minimal touches in their shared room. Outside, the Order assembled the large tent that would act as the church and reception for the wedding. It was white and had a white carpet that emerged from the field where the guests would arrive. The weather was favourable and everything had gone according to plan, thanks to Molly's excessive need to have everything perfect. She had yelled at Ron at least twice since he had walked down for breakfast and walked back upstairs to clean his room. Harry followed him around for most of the day with an amused smile on his lips; him only needing to take Polyjuice Potion to appear like a long lost Weasley cousin, Barney. The Order wanted to take every precaution to protect Harry and make sure that no one they weren't completely sure of recognised him. The rest of the Weasley children had been folding napkins and polishing cutlery ever since they'd gotten dressed.

Blair had been helping Ginny with her gold, tight bridesmaid dress when she decided that she too should be getting ready. Fleur had made it clear that no black should be seen on her dress and had given her one to wear that she thought was perfect for her. Blair had cringed at the sight of the silver sheen of the material and nearly fainted when she saw the matching shoes. But for Fleur on her wedding day, she disappeared into the bathroom and pulled on the horrible clothing and ghastly shoes.

Imitating the half up, half down hairstyle that she had seen Hermione walking around with, Blair looked in the mirror and hoped she'd explode from the amount of silver she wore on her pale, thin body. No matter how much she hated the colour, she had to admit that silver complimented her skin tone beautifully. It was the first time she could see the necklace George had given her years ago against something other than the heavy dense blackness of her usual clothing. The silver chain brought together the outfit and the purple gem hung against the neckline of the dress. She looked nice. She felt grown up.

Leaving the bathroom, Blair headed downstairs to see how the tent was going outside. The ceremony would have heavy security from the Order and she would be patrolling the perimetre during the end of the reception, when the guests would be due to leave. Fred and George would be joining her, making the rest of the wedding a time to enjoy the dishes Fleur's family had brought and Molly's delicious home cooking.

She reached the bottom floor and went to head out the back door in the kitchen, only to find Harry, Ginny and George already occupying the space. Blair stopped in the doorway and watched as Ginny and Harry locked lips, while George tiptoed around the dining table and picked up the cup of tea that was sitting on the kitchen counter. He had a freshly changed bandage around his head which now had a slight gap to allow the wound to start healing naturally. Sticking out of that exposed hole, was his purple toothbrush. 

"Morninggg," George sung smugly once Ginny and Harry realised he was there. He then winked at the two, making Ginny rush out of the room with her face turning a deep shade of red. She passed Blair on the way out and hid the smile that was growing behind her hand. Blair wore her own amused smile and saw George give Harry a certain look, causing the boy to leave in the same direction as Ginny.

"You're awful," Blair said once they had left. She stepped into the kitchen with her arms crossed, stopping in front of George. He wore a black button up shirt that had flecks of white all over it and his famous purple vest that Blair remembered from the Yule Ball. Only this time, his head hung a bit more to the right from the balance lost from the lack of his left ear. 

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