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The Hogwarts Express pulled into King's Cross station. Blair looked out the window and on to the platform, numbly listening to her roommates that chatted beside her in the compartment. She had done her patrolling on the ride from the castle before retiring into the compartment that had Mina, Poppy and Nancy talking avidly about finally being able to get away from Professor Umbridge.

"I hope Hogwarts is still there when we head back," Mina said. "I have a feeling Dolores will use the time to completely cover the castle in pink and her wretched cat plates."

"I don't think Blair would be mad about that second part," Poppy joked, motioning her head to Jasper that sat up right on the girl's lap.

The train stopped and students bustled off on to the platform to greet their families. Poppy, Mina and Nancy bid Blair goodbye with a Merry Christmas, leaving her to step off the steam engine and try to look over the heads of hundreds of people. Her height wasn't an advantage and she only saw the chests and shoulders of strangers. She hoped that she'd catch a tinge of red hair or the bubblegum pinkness of Nymphadora Tonks.

Sighing, Blair put Jasper to the ground and let him shoot off. He started to weave through legs and step over shoes, seeming to know exactly where he was going. In order to not lose her pet and out of pure curiosity of where he was heading, she followed after him and continuously apologised to those she accidentally pushed. She was sure that she had stepped on Narcissa Malfoy's robe and caused her to near trip over, causing a loud yelp and a sneer from her husband Lucius. 

Jasper's raised black tail slipped through the last pair of legs before being scooped up into a pair of arms. Blair broke through the barrier of people and stood up straight, following the legs and torso to see Jasper snuggling into the curve of a jumper covered arm. Blair immediately noticed that the redhead Jasper was snuggling his head into wasn't the redhead he usually liked. It was his brother who was known to absolutely despise felines.

"This is such a powerful position," the redhead smirked. "Shall I give him a haircut?"

She snatched her pet out of Fred's arms and hid him away from the Weasley, glaring up at him with a look that said 'don't you dare'. Fred laughed and started to brush the black cat hair off of his blue jumper. Behind him, stood part of his family and the Order members Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody. Blair's eyes ran over the faces and avidly noted who was here and who could be the one that was the centre of the said family emergency. 

"Oh Blair, it's so good to see you again!" Molly pushed Fred aside and threw her short arms around Blair's shoulders. It was relieving to know that Molly hadn't been hurt. It was equally as relieving to be hugged by the woman Blair classified as the motherly figure in her life.

"It's good to see you too, Mrs Weasley."


"Right, sorry, Mum."

The woman pulled away and gave her the motherly smile she was known for, before stepping aside and allowing Ginny and Ron to step forward and greet her. Blair was surprised to find that Harry was also here, making her realise that he too left Hogwarts early for the emergency. She had felt oddly lonely with the Gryffindors being away from the castle. Even though she had spent most of her time with her Ravenclaw friends, there was something that the redheads had that they lacked. While the three girls had sass and a talent in shooting knowledgeable comments and insults, the Weasleys knew how to have fun and make Blair laugh.

"Hope Umbridge didn't target you while we were away," Ginny joked as she hugged Blair.

"She actually chilled out significantly. I think her blood pressure dropped by tenfold from the absence of you two," Blair poked her fingers at the twins who emerged at the mention of their 'favourite' teacher.

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