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"How many of these books have you actually read?" George questioned as he continued to ogle at the infinite supply of cases.

"I finish one on average a week," Blair pondered aloud as she made her way over to the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"A week?!"


Compared to the Gryffindor common room, the Ravenclaw one wasn't as warm and comforting. Maybe it was the warm colours that usually covered every part of the room that made the Gryffindor one so home-like. But this common room had a different sort of feel to it. Where the Gryffindor tower would be the loud and lively party, the Ravenclaw tower would be the quiet and calm reading corner. George didn't mind it actually. It was a nice change from not only his dormitory but from his home. It was always chaos at the Weasley residence.

Blair quietly clicked her tongue and the soft padding of Jasper's paws could be heard coming down from the girls' dormitories. George watched in amusement as the black cat appeared meowed at the sight of his owner, jumping up on to the sofa to nuzzle his head against Blair's thigh. Blair smiled to herself as Jasper purred and George walked over to take the space next to the feline.

"He takes a pet like no other huh?" George commented and scratched Jasper's head.

Blair agreed in her head and stared down at the book in her hands, having no intention of reading it anymore. She wasn't sure if a person from another house had ever come into the Ravenclaw common room before but she quite enjoyed seeing George so amazed by the bookcases. Ravenclaws took pride in their literature and were known for their wisdom and intellect. You'd never speak to a Ravenclaw that hadn't read a book in the past month. Just like you'd never speak to a Hufflepuff that said that don't like Nifflers or Bowtruckles.

"So Blair Rosier-" George started and she looked up to face him. "-what do I need to know about you?"

She raised an eyebrow at him and wasn't sure what answer he was looking for. No one had ever taken an interest in her before and she had never thought about the things about herself that people would be interested to hear. It was one of those times where you'd question your entire existence when asked about an interesting fact about yourself.

"I do remember you being a Chaser for your Quidditch team," he suggested when he saw Blair was struggling to say something.

"Yeah I am," she said. "We versed you guys last year."

"And won."

"The house cup. Not the game," Blair mentioned and George stopped.

"What do you mean by that?" he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm just saying that Potter was a little rough against our Seeker Cho," she shrugged her shoulders as if she wasn't that bothered. But inside, she was passionate about Quidditch. And the final game last year against Gryffindor wasn't the fairest in Blair's opinion.

"Oh do you, now?" George raised his eyebrows and smirked widely. "Not just being a sore loser are you?"

"No," Blair snapped and he pursued his lips.

They sat in silence for a moment before George let out a stifle of a laugh. The atmosphere changed and Blair couldn't stop the smile that sprung up to her face and laughed out loud. George followed and laughed along with her, the two lapping into uncontrollable giggles and chuckles. It was the first time George had heard Blair laugh and it made his stomach leap inside of him. The way Blair's cheeks flushed and her eyes disappeared from her bright smile stirred something inside of him he couldn't explain.

And Blair was experiencing the same sensation. She found herself adoring the way the corners of his eyes crinkled from his smile and his straight white teeth were on full display. She hadn't laughed in a long time and could feel her heart pumping in glee from the new experience. Even though there was no real reason as to why they were laughing, Blair somehow didn't want the moment to end.

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