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13 days.

It's been 13 days since I left the house and I haven't heard anything from Sebastian.

There's one day left before I have to call his father and get answers myself, but I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to call anyone if he doesn't show up.

If I have to call anyone, that means something went wrong and I don't want to acknowledge that something has gone wrong.

I've been a shitty parent these past few days as well. I can't stop myself from just staring out the floor to ceiling windows at the city and thinking of every single possibility of what went has occurred.

I've tried my hardest to mind link people for answers but they've all blocked me out.

"I put Milo, down for her nap. Is there anything you need from the store while I'm gone?"

"How was it when Hudson told you about everything?" I ask and she stands still in her place.

"I didn't speak to him for a week when he told me. I was in shock." She finally explains as she takes a seat on the couch next to me.

"It still doesn't make very much sense, but I kept an open mind. I wasn't going to leave him, I've been with him for almost five years. I would sit up at night talking to my grandma about how I think he's the one and how I want my future to be with him. I'm not giving up the love of my life for this new realm especially when I'm the one made for him."

"Don't get me wrong, he waited a very long week before I spoke to him. Just because he's made for me, and I him, does not mean I'll be letting him get away with everything."

"How am I allowed to be mad at Sebastian right now? He's trying his hardest to protect me and Milo but I'm furious. I just wanted him to tell me the truth. For him to have told me what he was plan was. The council is dangerous. There's no simple way to approach them especially when Garrett's life is or was in danger."

"All I know, is that he sent us away because we're a distraction. If he's worried about our safety, he'll be too distracted to get Garrett back and protect everyone. I've always been his weakness and now Milo is just as much of a distraction as me, if not more. He sent us away and that means something very bad is about to happen and he needs all of his attention placed there. That's not a good sign to me Eden."

"I've spent the past thirteen days going through every possible plan Sebastian has come up with. There's approximately four different plans."

"And what are they?"

"First. They either find out Garrett does dirty work and they kill him. Sebastian retaliates and war breaks out killing many warriors and council members. I'm not quite sure how that option ends just yet."

"Second. They don't kill Garrett, but rather keep an extreme eye on the pack questioning where I am and where the future alpha is. Sebastian refuses to tell them and war breaks out. They kill Sebastian and they start hunting down Milo."

"Third. They don't kill Garrett but Sebastian leaves the council. He disassociates from the completely. Our pack suffers and we have to find new means to do everything."

"Fourth. He attacks first. He kills the council completely and we lose a lot of people in the process only to anger the rest of the packs in North America."

"I'm unaware of why that option would ever cross his mind, but it's Bash. He often comes up with outlandish plans that could possibly never work, but I stop him. I keep him from making stupid choices and I'm afraid that he sent me off so that I couldn't stop him. Eden I'm terrified that he has planned to attack the council."

"I don't know very much about this world Jenny."

"I'm in fear that any second my wolf will feel his wolf die and I'll pass soon after. I'm in fear that my daughter won't remember me or her father."

"I've felt his wolf once since I've left and I felt it yesterday. It wasn't for a long time but I felt it and I don't know what to make of it Eden. I'm losing my mind with every second that passes."

Sebastian Michael Reece.

A man with an incredible heart. A man who cares deeply for his pack but cares so much for his family that he would give up his own well being for the well being of others.

A man who sometimes needs to be brought back down to earth because he gets in over his head.

A man I am in love with and whom I would do anything to see once more.

It's been 13 days since I've seen him.

13 days.

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