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"And that's how we ended up here!" Sebastian shouts at Hudson and I take a deep breath.

They've been going back and forth about Logan's status for over an hour in this office and I'm staring to lose brain cells at the thought.

"How about we stop shouting for ten minutes. Can we do that?" I ask and he looks down at me before looking back at Hudson.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but this is the most frustrating thing I've dealt with and that's including killing the wolf council. I killed a council of elders and yet getting Logan back as my beta is the hardest thing I've ever done."

"And I'm trying to help you, but right now isn't the time. We need a plan to protect your daughter. That's what we need. Logan can wait."

"Okay I'm intervening again. Hudson, thank you for this conversation. We will meet up again later." I motion for him to exit and he grabs his paperwork before fleeing the office and slamming the door behind him.

"What's going on Bash? Be honest with me."

"I almost killed him the day I got rid of him as my beta. This is my fault. I want to solve what I caused." He leans his hands onto the desk and I stand up to walk closer to him.

"Please no." He holds out a hand to keep me from coming closer and I shake my head.

"Jen, I really can't." He adds and I grab onto his waist. "Jen, I ruined everything."

"No you didn't. You did not ruin anything and you cannot blame yourself for him losing his wolf. That was out of your hands."

"I put the nail in that coffin Jenifer."

"And that coffin isn't yours to talk about right now. Thomas and Hudson are doing everything they can to keep Logan from diving off the deep end. We are going to do the same and we can search for answers but we will not let this eat at you. You have a wonderful daughter and beautiful sisters who depend on you. You have a pack that depends on you. Logan is very important to me, but if we don't sort out the council situation none of it will matter." I exclaim and he turns away from me while looking at the map behind his desk.

All of this land.

Without a council leading it.

Without a council guiding it.

But it's up to Bash to sort that out.

And he keeps getting stuck on this situation.

If I could snap my fingers I would make this go away in a heartbeat. I would get Logan his wolf back and I would make sure my daughter is eternally safe. Unfortunately I don't have that power and nobody I know has that power.

"You want the plan?" Bash asks before grabbing his phone and dialing away.

"Now my handsome Bash, I didn't believe you'd be calling me so soon. Is your little Luna that awful?" A voice sneers and I know exactly who it is.

The witch.

The witch that cursed my husband and almost got me killed.

Unfortunately as I've gotten closer to Bash I've learned more about this wench than I wished to know. I know that she is extremely manipulative, that she still thinks she could end up with my mate and that she, for some reason, might have a solution to Logan's lack of wolf.

I've made it clear to Bash that I cannot stand the idea of incorporating this woman into our life. I've made it so clear that I threatened to go on a nice vacation with our daughter to one of the apartments. You'd think that would be enough to stop him, but nope; he still wants to involve her.

I'm sure there has to be another magical being out there who can come up with a solution to  this predicament. She cannot be the only one.

"Iliana." Bash warns and I cross my arms over my chest while sending him daggers.

"Oh, stop, you love me. Now what is it I owe the pleasure?"

"You know exactly why I'm calling. You have an answer and I need it."

"So vague, my love. I understand you're frustrated but no need to snap."

"No, there is a need. I need my beta back." He raises his voice.

"And I need what we used to have. I need you Bastian."

"Hey you little witch bitch, watch yourself." I shout while standing taller and getting closer to the phone.

"Oh if it isn't the little wolf who should be dead." She laughs.

"If you don't back down, I'll start something that I know I'm willing to finish."

"Get her on a leash Sebastian." Iliana calls with her snarky laugh. "Now let the adults speak dog."

"Iliana, as she's already said, watch yourself. Now are you going to get me the answer or not?"

"I don't know. You see, I could easily bring my coven to your pack and we could simply meet with your beta and most likely get his wolf back. Yet, that wouldn't be any fun. I want nothing more than to watch your bitch suffer. I can feel how much anger radiates off of her. I also know about that little baby of yours. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to that precious little-."

"Get me the solution or I'll make sure to burn each of you witches on my front lawn!" I grab the office phone and I slam it back into its stand thus ending the useless conversation.

"And you, sir, better find a new witch to ask for help because if she even steps foot on my property I'll send every warrior we have to hunt her down and kill her." I raise my voice louder and with that I storm out of his office.

Nobody threatens my daughter.

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