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It's officially been two months of Logan missing his wolf.

And it's been a month since I've put a bounty on that wenches head.

Nobody gets to threaten my baby and walk away unscathed. Her scent has been caught at the boarder a few times since that lovely little phone call and every time she gets away by the skin of her teeth.

One more time and I'll be the one out on the boarder chasing her and I'll do even it by foot if I have to.

It's also because I haven't shifted in what feels like years. I'm not sure if it's because I've been so focused on Milo or if it's because part of me is scared that if I shift that I'll go hunting down the witch and not return until I have her hanging from my jaw. Bash thinks it's because my motherly instincts have kicked in and that deep down my wolf knows that right now isn't the time to get physical. I disagree and I think my wolf also disagrees. If anything, this is more of a reason to shift.

"You've been one this office all day Jenifer." Bash's voice interrupts my thought process and I look over to see him in his sweatpants and hoodie. I haven't seen him dress so relaxed since I first spent the night here. Sometimes I forget we're only in our twenties and that we aren't these stuffy business people. Sometimes I forget that I'm only twenty two and that he's only twenty five and that we kinda left our youth in the past.

"Yeah I've been in contact with some of the warriors that are near the boarder and they've found Iliana a few times but she's managed to get away. I can't really leave this office until I come up with a strategy."

"You can. I'll have Hudson create it with Tommy. That's what there job is."

"Yeah but my job is to protect our baby and that's what I'm doing."

"Our not so tiny baby is as stubborn as you." He walks closer to me and I reach up at him.

"I love you."

"Jen baby I love you too but this is something that we have under control. She's getting comfortable. She thinks she is getting away, but she's not. We know how she's coming near and she's getting overly confident. I'm waiting for her to get so confident that she steps foot on the land. When she does that, it's game over." He explains and I nod.

"I know what I'm doing and you have to trust that this process is a good one. You don't know Iliana like I do. I know how she gets when she thinks she's gotten away with something. Right now she thinks she's getting away with us because nobody has reacted. She's getting comfortable but little does she know our warriors are just as comfortable." He adds before pulling at me and picking me up.

"No let me stay here." I complain, but he doesn't listen. "Bastian pretty please. I don't wanna deal with everyone."

"No, we're just gonna go out as a family. Milo won't take her nap anyways, so come on."

"Where could you possibly be taking us?" I whine as he places me on the ground in our bedroom and I see Milo laying down with her favorite blanket.

"Milo tell mommy to shush and go along with it." He taunts and I feel very stressed out at the idea of going out alone.

"It doesn't feel safe." I argue and he picks up Milo before putting her on his hip. "You want us to just go out on a vacation?"

"No it's not a vacation. It's just a small little day trip. Think about it like that little trip we did before you got pregnant."

That trip was a perfect one. We spent that day at the cabin up north and sat near the fire as if everything in our lives was normal. Maybe we did that cause for the most part our lives were normal.

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