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"So you killed the witch and I'm magically gonna get my wolf back now?" Logan asks as we clean up dinner and I feel my chest tighten at the idea that Iliana is dead in the cellar less than a block away.

"Can we please not talk about that right now." I clear my throat and Hudson gives me a look of concern as he hands me some dishes.

Our dinner was fine and everyone got along well. No arguments. No yelling. It was a nice meal and I thought it would carry over into an overall good night, but clearly not.

"No I think we are talking about it." Logan laughs and I slam my hands down on the counter.

"No we fucking aren't Logan."

"What crawled up your ass and died?" He snaps back and I turn to see that Bash has now returned from putting Milo down and is about to watch me attempt to murder a human who I consider my best friend.

"Your wolf actually." I cross my arms over my chest. "Your wolf died and because Bash couldn't live with himself anymore, he reached out to that witch. That woman had left us alone for over a year but because we wanted to save your wolf we had to risk our lives and ultimately she died. The witch died."

"I can't stand you. That witch doesn't matter. Who cares that she's dead? You wanted her dead all of last week and now that she's dead you're angry?" He shouts back.

"Yeah that's exactly how I feel. I don't want to hear about her death. I really don't want to think about any more death." I explain and I look past him to look directly at Bash.

"I'm going for a walk. Please finish the dishes for me."

With that, I move as quickly as I can out of the house and towards the training grounds. I just need to know if she's dead. I just need to know if she's dead because of me.

"Luna." One of the guards greets me and I give a small wave. "Do you need to go downstairs?"

"Yes actually." I nod and he leads me downstairs where I see Iliana.


Her body slumped in the chair. I assume they snapped her neck and made it quick but that doesn't make me feel any better.

"Could you give me a moment?" I ask the guard and he is quick to leave me alone with her.

"I know you're dead." I speak up after sitting in silence with her for a few minutes. "I know that I'm probably the last person you want to hear from in witch heaven or wherever people go when they die, but I feel like I need to say some stuff."

"I can't stop myself from feeling guilty that you never got the chance to be redeemable. You told me to my face that you wanted to kill my daughter and my mate, but I still feel guilty that you're dead."

"It's like a part of me wants you to get a good ending. You wanted to be a mom." I feel the tears come to my eyes as I hold my arms close to my body.

"And I'm so sorry that got taken from you. You say the world does things for a reason but I never want the world to break someone. I know what it's like to wake up in the morning and to see my baby and to feel like my life has a purpose and that I'm somebody to her. I wouldn't take that from anyone not even my biggest enemy."

"Iliana I'm so sorry that this is how it ended." I try to control my tears but they keep falling as I replay the conversation I had with her.

"I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about what you said." I add. "I keep replaying what you told me about my daughter and how she'd fulfill a prophecy. I don't think I'm capable of raising her to be that. Bash is a great father and I know that he could raise her to be the woman she has to be, but I can't. I'm a weak girl who thought she could protect her family yet I could barely protect myself from a man when I was eighteen."

"Iliana the world is a really fucked up place and I wish it wasn't. I wish the world was fair and that you didn't fall in love with someone else's mate. I wish the world gave you the joy you wanted and deserved. I wish the world would have gave Logan his wolf back without this having to be the outcome. Iliana I wish the world would've given you a different outcome but I can't wish this away. I'm sorry."


"Please go away." I beg, but he doesn't. Instead he takes a seat next to me on the ground. He doesn't say another word he just stares ahead at Iliana.

"Hudson told me to follow you. He said that it was important."

"She's dead." I explain. "She's dead and the things she told me yesterday are haunting."

"She was pregnant with your child before I came alone. When she lost the baby she cursed you and you future mate. Sebastian she just wanted to be a mom. All her resentment was valid."

"This whole time I thought she was some psycho bitch who wanted to ruin my existence because she wasn't able to move on. I was wrong and I feel bad."

"She tried to kill you and our family Jen." He reasons but I disagree.

"She was willing to kill to get revenge for her baby. I'd do the same in a heartbeat."

"I guess you're right." He admits and I wipe away the last of my tears. "I never knew that she was pregnant and lost the child. I never knew any of that."

"Well as she says the world does things for a reason." I stand up and he does the same.

"I want a proper burial for her. I want her to get the proper burial for a witch."

"Jen I don't know about that." He disagrees.

"You're gonna give her the proper burial, not because you hate her any less after what I told you. You're going to do it because I ask you to and it's what I want for her."

"You don't have to hate her any less, but from woman to woman I want her to rest in peace."

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