Chapter 1

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Hikari was falling from the sky. One moment ago, she sealed the Time God in another dimension. The last she saw of him was with an angry face at being sealed by a god slayer. Now, she's here, falling 100 feet in the air. Her silver eyes are watering as she spread her arms and legs apart like she's skydiving, her shoulder-length white hair flowing behind her from the wind.

"Why am I here? Weren't I on the ground? I swear, if my spell had some side effects or the Time God did something, someone's gonna get hurt. Namely, me. Because I'm falling."

Below her is a big field full of people. As she falls down closer to the ground, she sees people with white and navy uniforms and people who are dressed in a casual style. They look like pirates; they're similar to how the book she read portrayed them to be. Sounds of battle are ringing in her ears.

Hikari frowned at the noise. Hikari just battled a Time God for 12 hours nonstop. She's tired and she's almost out of magic. She has enough for one more spell before she gets knocked out from exhaustion. She doesn't want to deal with this battle going on nor does she want to think about what happened to her right now. She just wants to lie down on a soft bed and sleep until she doesn't feel like shit. Then, she'll think about what just happened.

Because Hikari was thinking about a future bed that was calling her, she missed the time to use her magic to situate herself on the ground, where she would be in the future after falling. She regrets not using the spell, even if she was going to be knocked out because of it. It's because she fell on a man's shoulder on her stomach and the top half of her body slammed on the man's arms, stopping him punching another man, followed by falling on the ground unceremoniously with her head face up. The force was enough to cause Hikari to be knocked out for a few seconds. Her stomach is definitely gonna hurt after she wakes up, both from the injuries she received from the Time God and from falling on a hard as rock shoulder. Seriously, how could someone's shoulder be so hard? And don't get started on her face! Her face is already scratched up and now, she might wake up with a bloody nose to boot, based on a pain in her nose before she passed out.

Both the marines and pirates were flabbergasted at how a person seemingly fell from the sky onto Akainu, one of the Vice Admirals of the Marines.

Luffy was shocked at how Ace was very close to being dead if it weren't for the falling woman. If the woman didn't fall on Akainu's shoulders and arms, deferring his deadly fist of magma downward towards the ground, Akainu's fist would've —

No, Luffy is not going to think of that anymore. He finally got reunited with his brother, away from the execution platform. Ace was in front of him, safe and sound. However, he's gonna talk with Ace about what could happen. He doesn't want Ace to sacrifice himself. He wants Ace to be alive. He promised.

Ace was in shock. He doesn't know whether to feel relieved or not. He was going to sacrifice his life to save his brother's. He accepted that he should die instead of Luffy. And now, he's still alive, thanks to the mysterious woman.

Hikari groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She winced and had one hand on her broken, bleeding nose, one on her stomach.

"What did I fall on? A statue made of lacrima? And why's this person staring at me?"

Akainu was confused at who the woman is. Normally, people don't fall from the sky. Is she a pirate? No, she doesn't look like one. He knows what all pirates with a bounty look like and he's sure he never saw her before. No matter, he'll just resume trying to kill both Luffy and Ace, this time he will succeed. Afterwards, he'll question the young woman and detain her if she is indeed a pirate.

Akainu walked past her and again, made his first into magma, eager to finish the job.

Hikari slowly pushed herself up with her elbows, wincing at the pain in her stomach, and proceeds to slowly stand up on shaky legs. A few thoughts went through her mind. First, the man she saw ignored her and is going towards the two guys in front of him with a magma looking fist. That was rude, he didn't even ask how she is. Second, the two guys looked ready to fight the man. They look ready to escape once they're given the opportunity. Third, the pirates and marines around them resumed fighting each other. The pirates are saying stuff like, "Run, Ace! We'll cover you!" The marines saying, "No, we won't let him escape!"

A pirate with a white beard suddenly showed up and punched Akainu out of the two guys' path.

"DON'T TOUCH MY SON!!" The Whitebearded pirate yelled.

Hikari is seeing something else. The whitebearded pirate is replaced by an angry looking Markarov, the two guys in front of her is replaced by Natsu and Gray, the pirates surrounding her is replaced by her guild members, and the marines are replaced by an enemy organization.

She almost lost her family many times. She doesn't want to see this happen to innocent people. As a Fairy Tail member, she is assumed the reputation of a ruler breaker, a rambunctious person, and a strong individual among other things. She's going to prove this. Fairy Tail wouldn't let innocent people suffer in front of their eyes, would they?

Hikari raised her hand in the air, palm facing up and closed her eyes in concentration.

The Red Hair pirates arrived at the battlefield. Hikari didn't notice and continued with gathering the remaining magic within her that she can spare without being dead later.

A large, white, magic circle appeared over the battlefield. Everyone stopped and stared up.

"What is that-"

"-what's going on-"

The vice admirals and those in higher position than them, the Shichibukai, Whitebeard, Marco, Shanks, and Benn Beckman only glanced at the magic circle before looking at the mysterious woman.

"Who is she?"

"Is she the cause of the circle in the sky?"

"What is she going to do?"

"Forward Time: Safe Shelter"

Every pirate in the battlefield (those fighting for Whitebeard and Luffy) and her became encased in a beam of white light and disappeared.

The world was in chaos at this. The den den mushi was still recording the battle; it recorded from the sudden appearance of the mysterious woman and onwards. Thus, everyone witnessed how the mysterious woman fell, made a magic circle, and made the pirates disappear.

Eustass Kid is curious and determined. He wants to know more about this mysterious woman. She seems powerful and would make a great ally. He'll find her. And he'll make sure she can't refuse his offer of joining his crew.

Dracule Mihawk is surprised that the mysterious woman made the pirates disappear. She's a mysterious person and he finds his interest piqued as one would find an interesting bug. He'll keep an eye out for her.

Donquixote Doflamingo is smiling. He saw something interesting happen. He won't let her go. First, he'll check if she is willing to join his crew. If not, he'll force her or kill her, depending on her answer. He'll leave the latter option for the very last thing to do if he can help it. He thinks there's more to her than meets the eye.

Garp is glad that the pirates disappeared. He thinks that the woman helped them escape. He's thankful that Ace is still alive. It hurts him when he has to oppose Luffy and guard Ace from being taken away. He doesn't want Ace to die. Ace almost did die today. Akainu is going to pay for that.

Sengoku is concerned with the woman. He was going to retire and leave his post to Aokiji. Then, the woman appears and probably helped the pirates escape. She will likely have a bounty on her head. He's getting too old for this. All he wants is to retire from fleet admiral and see the new generation take over. Looks like he'll still have to keep watch over some people. Life as a marine gets harder every day.

Akainu is angry. If he knew that the woman would've helped the pirates escape, he would've stopped her then and there by killing her. Now, he failed in killing Luffy and Ace. They're still free roaming around in the world. It's all that woman's fault. He'll hunt her down and kill her first, followed by Luffy and Ace.

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