Chapter 15

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Hannah sighs with relief at the news the marines told each other of the Roger Pirates and Mihawk escaping. It's great that they escaped. She's glad that she made use of her secret stash of gunpowder. She had a feeling that today was the day that Hikari would leave the island. She saw that from the first day she met Hikari, Hikari is a wanderer and she won't stay at the island for long. She could see that Hikari came to Lucky Island for a reason. She doesn't question why she never saw Hikari's parents or why she's here alone. It wasn't her place to pry and besides, Hikari wasn't causing any trouble.

That's why Hannah sets up a few boxes of gunpowder in stores whose owners volunteered for. They all felt that something's going to happen. It came in the form of a feeling, a cup falling from the shelf, a black cat appearing in front of them and giving them a purr, the list goes on.

They all decided that they'll help Hikari escape with those pirates. The pirates seem like a nice bunch according to the rumors they hear from first hand encounters and they're sure they'll take good care of Hikari. That's why they all pitched in and stuffed some gifts into Hikari's bag when she wasn't looking. It's surprising how much space the bag has. It's almost like a black hole.

"Hikari!" Umi smiles warmly.

"What?" Hikari looks down from the book she's reading on a tree branch.

"Awww, don't give me that look!" Umi pouted.

"Your smile looks too suspicious to not be wary."

Umi clicked her tongue. "You got me."

"You're not even going to deny it? You usually take more effort than that." It's amusing how far Umi takes her act of innocence. She means well and her guild mates know that she means no harm. Umi just likes to gather information to know more about stuff. The reason she gathers it was to not get caught unaware. That's why she won't admit anything until at least 2 hours of grilling and catching a little lie or two between conversations.

"Well, I have a favor-"


Umi just smiled and again, Hikari feels she knows something.

"Oh, well that's too bad." Umi said with a fake, upset voice. "I guess you won't mind if I-" Umi took out a few photos from her jacket pocket." "Show these to the guild, would you?"

Hikari appeared in front of her. "When did you get those pictures?" It's embarrassing as hell and she would rather fight a dark guild than have her guild mates look at them and laugh. But who's she kidding? Umi always have her sources.

"I have my sources." She responded cryptically. "So, about that favor."

Hikari sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

"Splendid!" Umi clapped her hands. "Can you come to the Fairy Tail guild at 6pm sharp? Don't go there before that time and don't be late!"

"...Sure?" She doesn't know why that exact time. Maybe she can-

"-Don't use your powers."

Never mind. If it's that important, she won't use it. "Fine."

"Well, see you there!"

At 6pm, Hikari opened the guild door to darkness. Then, a sudden brightness of the lights turning on all at once and a very loud "Happy Birthday!" vibrates through the walls. Hikari thinks the townspeople could hear them from far away.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness to see colorful banners and her nakama wearing party hats. Everyone was smiling at her.


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