Chpater 5

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The sun is shining and the sky is clear of clouds. The baby blue color is spread throughout the sky at a never ending sight. Hikari surveys her surroundings in plain indifference. The sea is sloshing at the cliff she's standing on, the sea breeze blew her hair, went through the forest, and throughout the whole island.

Reptiles were screeching in the forest behind her, small reptiles were rustling in the bushes, and small paw steps littered the damp green grass. The dew on leaves of the forest drips down in a methodical pace onto the already saturated grass.

Hikari traveled back to when the planet finally became habitable for animals and humans. A baby T-Rex popped out of the forest with their curious eyes focusing on her.

"Hi. You're a T-Rex, aren't you?"

The baby T-Rex blinked at her. They cautiously walked up to her and came up to her knees. Hikari slowly bent down and kept eye contact with them to not startle them. Reaching out a closed fist, Hikari waited patiently for the T-Rex to sniff her hand and deem her as harmless.

"So cute..."

Immediate after that, a chomping sound was made.

Her arm up to a little past the wrist was enveloped by the T-Rex's mouth, sharp pain shooting up her arm. The T-Rex was salivating as they tasted the blood running down her arm. It tasted different from all the meals they ate. The taste is exotic in a way. They wouldn't mind having a meal like this once in a while.

They would've bit down on Hikari's arm and ate it right there but a chill went down their spine. The human in front of them was dangerous. Sweat poured from their body in waves. They feel suffocated like they can't breathe. The air is too tight, the gravity too strong, the-

The T-Rex lets go of Hikari's hand and fell on the sandy cliff with a small thump.

"Reverse Time: Wound"

Tucking her hands in her pockets, Hikari thinks about how she can contact Fairy Tail. She doesn't have any lacrima on her. So how does she contact-

Hikari lifted her hand to touch her earring. Of course she forgot about the earring communications lacrima. Well, at least she remembered now. She just recently got it from the Elemental Squadron a week ago. She never used it before and kept regarding it as a regular earring, even though it was anything but ordinary.

It makes her grateful that she got one. Everyone in the Elemental Squadron has one but she put off on getting one for a long time. Something about not having her ears pierced and being not too keen to have a hole in her ear. It was just an excuse to not go get her ears pierced. It's amusing to the Elemental Squadron, how a person who saw history and lived by watching the events unfold before her would be scared of getting her ears pierced. They know that Hikari has scars from traveling in the past. They would occasionally find her being tense and having impressive bags under her eyes.

They don't ask what's wrong, they know she wouldn't talk about it no matter how they annoy -ask- her. They wanted her to stop traveling in the past because the past is in the past, not the present, not the future. They would give her reassuring hugs, her favorite ice cream, and take her to the hill where the tree lies. That's often where she goes to relax.

After half an hour later, Hikari would return back to normal. Her neutral face will be back on her face with no cracks in it and she would thank them for taking care of her. They would always say that it's okay for her to talk to them, that it's okay to cry. Hikari would only nod and hug them, saying that she'll think about it.

Hikari would never cry. If she did, she didn't do it in front of them. Although she was only in Fairy Tail for two years (she joined a year before the guild disbanded and came back after it was formed again), she became important to the mages. They felt like she had been with them from the beginning, that she was the guardian of the guild. She looked out for them and noticed the smallest things. She would talk to Romeo about seemingly random topics about love and he would take note of how his heart beats a little quicker when Wendy is at the guild and smiling at him. She would talk to Lucy about different writing styles of various famous books when Lucy is having a writer's block. She would go to the wizard council with Master and negotiate the damages Fairy Tail caused to various towns.

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