Chapter 13

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Neinheart finally got promoted to a captain. It took almost losing his arm though. The particular mission that got him promoted was when he was facing some particularly nasty pirates. Scott had Neinheart sneak into a pirate ship and create a distraction while his fellow comrades sneak in while the pirates are distracted and rescue a little girl that was captured to be sold as a slave. Scott knew that it the mission might result in Neinheart having some injuries but not to the extent of almost losing a limb. That was his fault. But, at least Neinheart got promoted with all his limbs working and intact. The mission purposely put Neinheart in the spotlight to assess him to see whether he is ready to be a marine captain. And it worked, no one lost any part of themselves except maybe some blood, courage, and mental stability.

Right now, Neinheart is stationed on Luck Island. He's in charge of protecting Luck Island's inhabitants from pirates, burglars, and people who want to do them harm. He's glad that he got assigned to Luck Island. He'll need all the luck he can get in his life with his new position in the Marines. There are already fellow marines assigned under his command and he probably didn't make a good impression on them with his weak introduction.

"H-Hello. My name is Neinheart. I-I'm going to be your new captain so uh...please tell me if there's anything you would like to be improved. I-I'll try my best to make your suggestions a reality if it's not too much."

"Oh, no! I'm stuttering! I hope they don't make fun of me. If they make fun of me, I'll be upset and probably cry in front of them. Then, I'll embarrass myself and I won't be respected. If I won't be respected, I'll be demoted, Scott will be disappointed in me, I'll be disappointing the marines, and I'll be fired!" Neinheart fretted in his mind.

The marines standing before him all thought along the lines of "He's seems like a pushover.", "That's our new captain?", "I'm worried.", or "Is he really capable to be a captain?"

Neinheart sighed. It wasn't his best impression. He does't know why he gets anxiety and scared so easily. It's like anxiety is part of his DNA or something. He doesn't remember experiencing anything traumatic when he was a child so what's the matter with him? Is he going to be like this forever? Scott told him when he got promoted that he was proud of him and that he'll do fine. His former captain even arranged for him to be in charge of Luck Island. Neinheart has always been grateful to Scott for taking care of him and encouraging his coward self. Even as far back as when Scott personally took Neinheart under his wing and trained him to be a capable marine, Scott has always had patience for him and understood him. The last words Scott spoke to him before he got assigned to Luck Island was, "I hope you do well, Neinheart. No, I'm sure you'll do well. After all, you're picked and trained by me. There's a reason I chose you so be more confident in yourself and go beyond your limits." A clap on Neinheart's back, a hearty laugh, and a bittersweet "I'll miss you, Heart." and Neinheart was on the ship, sailing away from all that he was familiar with.

Neinheart snapped out of his thoughts as a News coo tapped on his window with their beak. He opened the window, exchanged some beri for the newspaper, and sat down to read it. Some news were the same: The destroyed slave trading building by an unknown person, the rescue of slaves by an unknown person, the capture of some rookie pirates. He turned the page with his good arm and stopped at the bounties. There were new prices on the bounties. A teenager called "Hawk-eyes" Dracule Mihawk with 900,000 beli (it says here that he's a really good swordsman), Gol D. Roger with 3 billion beli (it says that he killed a lot of people because they hurt his nakama), Rayleigh with 200 million beli (Gol D. Roger's first mate), a combined total of 3,022,789,170 beli for Gold D. Roger's crew, Eric Doric with 1 million beli, Sid Ionic with 2 million beli, Ian Corinthian with 3 million beli, a combined total of 7,562,950 beli for all three crews. Neineheart sweats at the new bounties. He hopes they don't come here.

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