Chapter 34

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"Here you go." Shakky placed a cup of sake in front of Hikari.

"Thank you." Hikari took the cup of sake and sipped it.

Shakky leaned on the counter, facing Hikari. "Rayleigh has told me about you and Lavender. I'm glad to meet you face to face. I'm Shakuyaku but call me Shakky."

"Tch. I thought I would surprise you, nya."

Shakky smiled. "Oh, but I was surprised when Rayleigh first told me about you."

"Pleased to meet you. You have an interesting name for your bar." Hikari's eyes twinkled.

Shakky smirked. "Thank you!"

Rayleigh walked into the bar, dusty with the sand from a fight. "Hello, Shakky. Hikari, I see you've found this bar. Lavender, good to see you. I see you haven't changed."

Lavender scoffed. "I'm a youthful cat."

"It's good to see you."

Rayleigh chuckled. "We have a lot to catch up on." He walked towards the bar and plopped himself down. "Now, what's been going on with you? I'd like to hear all about it."


Hikari paused in the middle of the conversation after hearing faint voices and static.

"Hikari, what's wrong?" Rayleigh asked, concerned.

"Hikari, nya...the voices are coming from your earring."

Hikari didn't say anything, she just stared without seeing anything. She suddenly stood up and excused herself, Rayleigh and Shakky staring after her in concern as she exited the bar.

Hikari tapped her earring communication lacrima to turn up the volume. Her heart beats faster in anticipation and excitement while her eyes dilated.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and spoke in a hopeful voice. "Can you guys hear me?"

Lavender stayed silent, knowing this must be important for Hikari, that she can finally contact her nakama.

"Hikari?" Drake asked.

"What's wrong? You don't sound like yourself." Umi worried.

"Hikari-chan! I missed you!" Saffron cried.

"Saffron, you just talked to her yesterday." Verde deadpanned.

"You chased her too." Licht and Draco said simultaneously.

"Can it, twins!" Saffron yelled.

"Guys, can you please don't fight?" Umber asked exasperatingly.

"'s too early in the morning for this..." Tian whispered sleepily.

"...It's the afternoon." Io said.

Hikari laughed, confusing the Elemental Squadron. Her laughs were soon followed by tears and sniffles.

"Are you okay?" They all said simultaneously.

Hikari can imagine them all flocking to her like birds, giving her a ruffle of her hair or offering her food. She shook her head, wiped her tears, and having gained control of her voice, she said, "I miss you guys."

Saffron gasped. "I miss you too, Hikari-chan!" He gushed.

"Oh, no. Hikari, tell me you didn't develop a brother complex for spacehead over here." Drake groaned.

"Hey! It was only that one time, firesetter!"

Hikari smiled hearing the familiar banter of her team. "What year is it?"

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