Chapter 8

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It's been a year of helping out the Donquixote family. Their situation improved somewhat but the parents can't quite make a stable living for their family yet. Hikari thinks they won't be able to make a living at Northa Town period. Not unless they move somewhere else where either the people are friendlier or ignorant about this Donquixote family.

But first, Hikari should at least temper Doflamingo's personality. Teach him some manners, some humility, and sympathy. Doflamingo haven't shown signs of following his lessons till 6 months later when he found a crying little girl 5 feet away from his home. Rosinante was inside the house with Hikari watching his brother approach the little girl. He wants his brother to be nicer to people. He would get into less trouble and it's easier to make more friends that way although Rosinante can't say he made any friends. There weren't a lot of children around.

Doflamingo marches up to the little girl. "Hey, girl! Go away! Your crying is too loud and annoying!"

Hikari smacks her face against the window.

The little girl cries louder which causes Doflamingo to cover his ears with his hands. "Why would Hikari send me to this girl? Why not Rosinante? He's better at this!" Rosinante is better with people than him. He was polite in the mock situations Hikari provided for them while Doflamingo acted rude and threatening.

"Well, she sent me out here. I must solve the problem!" "Quit crying!" The little girl cries even louder.

"What do I do? She won't stop crying! What did Hikaru say about...comforting someone?" "Hey! Stop crying! I won't be able to understand why you're crying and fix the problem."

The little girl quieted down to wet sobs and looked up at Doflamingo with red puffy eyes.

"At least she quieted down."

"I-I'm...l-lost..." She sobbed.

"Well, where are you from?"

"I know...I live near here..." She shouldn't have wandered off. She should've stayed with her mother when they were walking back home. But she heard rumors of people that moved to this town and she wanted to find where they are. She already checked the other houses and there's only this one left.

"That's not that useful. Is there an address?" Doflamingo just wants this over with and go back inside. He doesn't want to talk with this girl but Hikaru insisted. She said that if he helps this girl, she'll tell him a story. And Hikari's story are the best he's ever heard.

The little girl paused her sobbing and thinks. Then, "I don't remember."

"How could you not remember your address?! You shouldn't be wandering around by yourself if you're gonna get lost!" Doflamingo turns around and is going back to his home when the little girl snatched a corner of his clothes and clings to him.

"P-please!...Please help...m-me momma!" She bawls.

"Hey! Get your hands off me! You're ruining my clothes!"

Despite her being a little girl, she has an iron grip on his clothes. He isn't able to pry her hand off his clothes. He certainly did try and spouted every threat he can think of. To his dismay and frustration, she only cried louder, spluttered about how he said he promised he would help her even though Doflamingo is sure he never promised anything, and tugged his clothes to emphasize that he shouldn't leave her alone.

Amidst the crying, Doflamingo has an idea. Hikaru would be able to help. She's a magician so she could find out where the girl lives!

"Hey, girl. Stop crying. I'll help you. Just-" Doflamingo is shuddering at what he has to say. "Please stop crying. I can bring you to someone who can help you find your home. Just follow me."

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