Chapter 37

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Chronos really shouldn't have picked a fight with Hikari, a Fairy Tail mage. If one messes with a member of Fairy Tail, the whole guild or some Fairy Tail mages will notice and come and back their member up. Fairy Tail always seem to manage to survive at the end as seen when Lucy was kidnapped, Lucy's celestial spirits were acting different, etc. The list goes on and on but Chronos paid those situations no mind. He really should've. He should've just let go of his anger and travel around between dimensions or worlds. On second thought, he wouldn't do that. Instead, he should've passed his ruling on other worlds or dimensions that don't have some sort of Fairy Tailness in it.

Even when Hikari and the Fairy Tail mages were weakened by being around the people that consumed the magic dampening potion, they were enough to keep him on his toes. It sucks that he can't manipulate time because of the damn spell Hikari casted.

Maybe it's because he's from the Fairy Tail world that he didn't think that non magic users (marines and pirates) could put up a good fight. However, seeing as Hikari's allies made quick work of the marines and even joined the battle against him, a Time God, he should've brought more marines to at least keep the allies distracted enough.

Chronos had to dodge many attacks, he can't switch to being offensive yet. While the allies attack him, some of the mages are restoring their magic (Hikari, Wendy, Tian) while the other mages are being troublesome. Natsu and Luffy simply won't relent in attacking him and chasing after him.

But even with her allies and fellow guild members, he's a god. He managed to grab an arm or leg and flung them far away. He even used Natsu as a bat, trading a punch to the face for time to use his magic. In the end, only Hikari and Chronos were actively trading blows so fast that it's blurry.

Chronos is the weakest of all the gods in terms of fighting. After all, the other gods can overpower him with their magic. Chronos' magic is mainly a heavy hitter if he can make contact or if he's given time to manipulate time. Since Hikari took care of his second main fighting tactic, he's stuck with his fighting skills and abilities. It's difficult landing a hit on him because he trained himself to be agile. Thus, he can use his magic to land a devastating blow to person with his fist or foot coated in his magic. His punch or kick to a person could either bruise a person (when sparring with other gods) or break bones and cause internal bleeding.

Naturally, a time god slayer could do the same as him. Although he already had an experience of fighting someone with similar abilities to him, he couldn't crush Hikari. But maybe with the magic dampening potion still in effect, she'll go down.

"Time God's Whiplash!"

"Time God's Hammer Fist!"

Hikari is going to run out of magic at the rate of spells she's casting. Even the time she consumed 10 minutes ago is steadily going out at a concerning rate. She just needs to get enough hits in, especially those high magic consuming spells. And if she needs to take a few hits to have enough time to cast her spells, Hikari will do that. If she doesn't, she will run out of magic to fuel the no time manipulation and everyone will die.

Hikari coughed, having a punch thrown at her stomach and propelling her feet away from the god. Her team rushed in to distract the god while Hikari consumed time. "Lavender! I'm ready!"

"Got it, nya!" Lavender contacted the Elemental Squadron. "Hikari is ready to go!"

The Elemental Squadron lept back, leaving the time god the sole target of a powerful spell.

Hikari's eyes sporting a clock in each of her eyes while its hands are spinning rapidly, Hikari raised both of her arms, each in opposite directions and made a motion of bringing her hands together. "Paradoxical Chaos!"

Not letting the time god get used to the pain of the spell and retaliate, Hikari trapped the time god. "Time God's Cage!"

All the mages that gathered up their power and sent spells to defeat the time god at the same time.

"Time Frenzy!"

"Space God's Punishment!"

"Fire God's Bellow!"

"Water God's Tidal Wave!"

"Lighting God's Spark!"

"Light God's Beam!"

"Shadow God's Beam!"

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

"Ice Make Lance!"

"Dance My Blades!"

"Sky Dragon's Wave Wind!"

"NO!" Chornos roared as his eyes widened in horror at the spells going toward him. He redoubled his efforts in getting out of the cage but it didn't budge.

"Time God's Shield!" He cried, putting his hand in front of him but nothing happened. He looked furiously at Hikari, wondering when she casted a limited no defense spell on him. She must've planned this all out. The limited no defense spell can only hold for 2 minutes before it fades away.

"Time God's-"

"Time God's Shackles!"

His roar of frustration and cries of pain mixed when he couldn't cast any spell to at least lessen the blow of the multiple spells that hit him simultaneously.

When the sand cleared, the time god was laying face down on the ground, smoking from the spells. The mages either sighed in relief or ungracefully plopped onto the ground, their legs unable to support them while Hikari's allies did the same or cheered. Hikari, on the other hand, fell on the ground, unconscious of the world.


Wendy made her way to the time god slayer, and gasped when she could hardly feel any magic from Hikari. "Does anyone have any lacrima crystals? Does her bag have any?" She asked while casting a spell to recover Hikari's magic. Her spell isn't enough to keep Hikari alive. She needs some lacrima crystals, preferably ones that have time god slayer magic in it for Hikari to absorb. Hikari must have some in her bag. She's always prepared.

Hikari's allies and the mages all looked for her bag, spotting it buried in the sand. The doctors present were looking at Hikari in concern. They knew they couldn't do anything for her other than the basics of healing her physical injuries. They can't do anything about her magic depletion.

Saffron brought the bag to Wendy and pushed the things inside the bag out into the sand. Wendy grabbed the lacrima crystals and placed it on top of Hikari, letting the contact of the crystal be absorbed into Hikari. The rate of absorption isn't fast enough though.

"Magic absorption isn't usually this slow!" Wendy thought frantically. "There must be a spell or magic doing this!"

"Separation Enchantment!"

The magic stored in the lacrima crystals were rapidly being drained until not even a drop of magic was left. Wendy and the mages can finally sense Hikari's magic. While it's not preferred to have this low of magic, it's acceptable enough that Hikari won't die of magic depletion. Hikari's wounds were already bandaged by the doctors present so everything's taken care of. All that's left is to take care of any injuries that mages and people alike had from the time god and wait for Hikari to wake up.

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