Chapter 31

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Hikari spent about 2 weeks with the Whitebeard Pirates. Throughout that time, she might have collaborated on some pranks with Thatch, she made some new friends, caught up with Marco, and was declared a friend and ally by Whitebeard. Marco showed Tsukimi a beautiful view of the island by carrying her on his back as a phoenix. Hikari was awed at the sight, warming Marco's heart that he had given Hikari a sight she will remember. The island truly was breathtaking, hues of blue, grey, white, black, and spots of bright and shiny colors from mermaids and fishmen swimming. The view was also nostalgic for sometimes, Lily would carry her into the air. Whitebeard was disappointed that she refused the offer to be one of his daughters though.

When it was time to go, some Whitebeard Pirates were crying as they waved back at her while sailing away. They all jumped when Hikari's and Lavender's voices said goodbye in their head, finally putting one and two together. The voices they've been hearing and thought that they were ghosts were actually the kitten and the girl. Their mouths were open in shock as Hikari and Lavender faded out of sight. Thatch was laughing at his nakama's faces, Whitebeard was chuckling, and Marco was snickering.

"You knew this?" The crew shouted.

"You should've seen the look on your faces!" Thatch gasped between bouts of laughter, wrapping his arms around his stomach with his form bent double.

The pirates looked at Marco in disbelief. "Marco! Why didn't you tell us?"

Marco tried to answer with a straight face but failed. "I thought you guys would eventually figure it out so I didn't say anything. I didn't know you wouldn't know until we had to go."

"Hey! It''s..." The pirates spluttered, embarrassed that they didn't connect the dots till it was staring at them in the face. The crew turned to pops for help. "Pops! Say something!"

"Gurarara! Marco isn't wrong."

"Not you too!"


"'re free." Rosinante thought as snow fell from the sky. His blood was still flowing out of him but he could barely feel it. He can barely feel anything. His vision was blurring when he thought he saw a younger version of his caretaker: Hikaru.


Yes, he must've imagined that voice too. No child should even be here on this island. The people who had the devil fruit wouldn't bring kids here. He doesn't think they even have kids. Thus, the child in front of him that looks like his caretaker must be his imagination.

The figure appeared before him while his vision was growing dimmer. He didn't have the energy to be surprised. Before he closed his eyes, he heard, "Time God Slayer: Reverse Wound!" and the pain disappearing.

"Huh. That's weird."


Rosinante woke up to sunshine in his eyes. He groaned, putting an arm over his eyes before realizing that he's alive and jolting up from the bed. "What....where am I?" He touched the part where his wounds should be but felt no pain. He paused at his clothes. His clothes were the same but it looked new and freshly washed like the day he first received them.

A movement on the left side of the room caught his attention. A white-haired teenager turned around in her chair and put her arms on the back of the chair, her body putting their weight on her arms. "You're awake. How are you feeling, Rosinante-san?" A kitten was lying on the teenager's head, looking at him with intelligent eyes.

"Uh...I'm fine. Where am I? And who are you?"

Hikari nodded at the glass of water and some breakfast on a plate on his desk, the food still had steam coming from it. "Eat first. Then, I'll tell you."

Rosinante looked at the nice smelling food, his stomach growled and embarrassing him. "Okay." He took a fork and dug in, observing the teenager as she turned back around and read a book. After Rosinante finished his breakfast and drank some water, the teenager took the chair and scooted it in front of Rosinante and spoke. It turned into a long conversation. Rosinante fell off the bed when Hikari said that she's Hikaru's daughter, he cried when he heard that Law escaped, and he flinched when she mentioned Sengoku. Hikari used her powers to see the specific past leading up to this point: Rosinante lying in the snow, dying. She was not impressed with the trouble the 2 brothers got up to.

She was going to have words with Doflamingo.


Hikari visited Law to check up on him while Rosinante was gathering information on his brother to bring him down. He was too guilty in showing himself to Law, for sacrificing himself at the expense of Law's pain and loss of a parent figure. Hikari left him be; she saw that Law would find him anyway in the future. And Law was going to be pissed that Rosinante's been avoiding him. Hikari huffed. "He's gonna get it."


Shanks laughed. "You're still a kid, Luffy!"

"No, I'm not!" Luffy pouted.

The door to the bar opened to reveal Hikari. Yassop spit out his drink when he saw Hikari. The crew members around him looked at Yassop in confusion.

"You know her, Yassop?" Luck Roo asked between bites of meat.

Hikari looked at the scene, finally spotting Yassop and waving at him. She walked up to Yassop and nodded. "It's been awhile. How have you been?"

"Fine...I didn't know you would be here too. When did you get here? I don't think I've seen you when we arrived here."

"I just got here." Lavender bobbed her head in agreement.

"Well," Yassop gestured to his friend behind him. "That's Lucky Roo. Yassop pointed at his other nakama, naming each one."

Hikari hummed at each one, memorizing their names, faces, and presence. The Red Hair Pirates all nodded at Hikari, curiosity shining in their eyes.

"She looks familiar," They thought.

Hikari walked up to the red-haired captain teasing the raven haired boy.

"Shanks, I see you haven't changed in teasing kids."

Shanks turned around with a grin on his face. "Oh, how-" He froze while Luffy looked at the two in confusion.

"Hikari!" Shanks opened his eyes wide and hugged the space where Hikari was. His beer sloshed to the side, soaking one of his crew members. Hikari looked at Shanks from next to Luffy. "You should've put your tankard down before hugging me." Luffy stared at her in awe. He didn't even see her move!

"Whoops! My bad!" Shanks put the tankard down on the counter and went and hugged Hikari.

Benn choked on his cigarette while the Red Hair Pirates that haven't figured out who the white-haired teenager or were just seeing her for the first time dropped their jaws in shock. This was the first time they saw their captain be this affectionate to a woman. While their captain is friendly to everyone, he's not seen hugging a woman like this, not with a smile that rivaled the sun.

Hikari sighed and hugged back. "I'm glad to see you're well."

"Awww, you missed me?" Hikari can hear the smile in Shanks voice without looking at him.


"Dahahah! I missed you too!"


This chapter is cut into pieces because I felt that there are some scenes that don't require much detail into. I'm thinking about including one shots of Hikari's adventures in between these events in the story in a separate story because I wanted this book to be about Hikari meeting people and becoming friends while finding the time where she just got banished from her world. It'll probably be slow going because after finishing this book, I'll edit it to make more sense. Whether I publish the one shots after or before editing depends on what ideas I have.

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