Chapter 32

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"Who's she?" Luffy asked.

Shanks reluctantly ended the hug and put his arm around Hikari's shoulders. "She's my friend! I've known her since I was a young boy."

Hikari nodded her head. "My name is Hikari."

"Hi, Hikaru! My name is Monkey D. Luffy!"

Hikari sweated. Hearing that fake name that she gave uttered by a boy that wasn't even born when she was using that name made her wary. It can't be that this boy knows her right? It's probably a slip of the tongue.

"Her name's Hikari." Shanks corrected.

Luffy looked confused. "That's what I said: Himari."

Hikari discreetly sighed in relief. It really was a slip of the tongue. "Call me Shiro."

"Okay, Shiro!" Luffy smiled.

The door to Party's Bar slammed open to reveal Higuma and his band of pirates.

Hikari narrowed her eyes at them. Higuma demanded for sake and was angry that the Red Hair Pirates bought the last one. Hikari didn't do anything as Higuma smashed the sake bottle over Shanks' head, knowing that the Red Hair Pirates aren't going to do anything either. Higuma and the bandits aren't worth it. Hikari nevertheless clenched her fists.

"Look at what we have here, boys! Shirokage the model from Artomania!" Higuma sauntered over to Hikari. "I almost didn't recognize you." Hikari cooly eyed him.

Higuma smirked. "You've gotten pretty over the years." Higuma reached over to put his arm around Hikari's waist but Lavender swiped her claws at his arm, leaving a long, bloody scratch on his arm.

Higuma hissed in pain and cradled his arm. He glared at the hissing feline. "Damn cat!"

Shanks secretly thanked the feline for stopping Higuma because he would've stepped in.

Higuma, with his pride wounded, sneered at the feline before reaching for his pistol and cocking it at the hissing feline. Hikari grabbed the pistol, now glaring at Higuma in the eyes. "Don't. Shoot. My. Cat." Hikari said slowly. The bandits, Red Hair Pirates, other customers, Makino, and Luffy all shuddered at the dangerous aura Hikari exhibited.

Higuma sweated. "How could she have such an intimidating aura? She's just a teenager, get a hold of yourself!" But he doesn't want to put the pistol down; his pride is already wounded from the cat scratch and he doesn't want to lose any more of his pride, especially in front of his men. So, Higuma swallowed a part of him that wanted to leave the bar and smirked. "And what are you going to do if I don't?" The woman in front of him, while having a firm grip on his pistol, didn't seem like she'll be much trouble to him. What can a teenager like her do to him, right?

Hikari narrowed her eyes before kicking him in the solar plexus. He flew out of the bar's door, down for the count. "Higuma!" The bandits yelled. Their shock turned to anger as they faced the teenager that knocked their leader out. They didn't seem to get a chance to attack as Hikari soon kicked them out the door.

Shanks and the Red Hair Pirates laughed. The red-haired man smiled. "You haven't changed, Hikari."

Hikari raised an eyebrow, "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, no, it's not!" Shanks assured.


Hikari lightly touched Shanks' left shoulder. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." She said.

Shanks hugged Hikari with his last remaining arm and put his chin on top of Hikari's head. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault. I chose to sacrifice my arm."

Hikari said nothing. His arm was going to be restored in the future by her and she knows that he's still going to be alive. He's a powerful man, even with one arm. It doesn't decrease the guilt she feels that she can't restore his arm right now.


Hikari has been visiting Dawn Island over the years, watching over Luffy to make sure he didn't kill himself, making sure that Garp didn't kill Luffy, and making sure that Ace and Sabo didn't kill Luffy. They all seem like lively kids and they remind her of her guild mates.

She might have searched for Sabo when he was recovering from the injuries he sustained when he was shot down by a Celestial Dragon. And recovered his memories which meant that Sabo ended up saying goodbye to his brothers to join Dragon to make the world better.

Hikari has a sort of rule that she obeys when time travelling: Don't interfere with important events or people that'll negatively affect the future. She obeys that rule for everyone's safety because time travel is a risky thing. It doesn't mean that she can't find loopholes and change a few things. Besides, she did do it unconsciously and by accident so it's not like she purposely changed things up. Who's to say that it wasn't supposed to happen. After all, she wasn't even supposed to be in this world and the fact that she is means that events are going to be changed. Her mere presence is enough for events to not go as they were supposed to. Hikari does have to time travel to find a way to contact her guild mates and go home.

So, she's been popping up over the years to check on her friends and see how they're doing instead of calling them on the den den mushi. She kept up her training and helped Lavender train her powers with the occasional freeing slaves as a training mission. She met new friends along the way that would fit in right in Fairy Tail which got Hikari thinking. Since she's already here in this world and accidentally changed some events, would it be too much if she can visit this world from time to time? Fairy Tail will always be her home but this world will always be where her new friends are. She would've loved to be able to visit between her world and this world if she could. That's another thing to add to the list of stuff she needs to get done.

She should've noticed much sooner that the amount of magic she can recover decreases a little every time she is near people but she didn't, not until she went back to after the Marineford War on Shanks' ship.

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