Chapter 39

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"He failed." One of the Gorosei stated to Im. The Gorosei had one of the marines that were present at the battle put a Cameko to broadcast what happened at the battle between the Time God and the pirates and the mage. The Time God didn't care if they were watching him. Chronos didn't think they would be able to do anything once he revealed his intentions nor did he think that he would be defeated.

"Hmmm...a disappointment."

"We should've never trusted a god, especially one as powerful as him..." Another of the Gorosei stated. The Gorosei were quite alarmed from what was going to happen if it had gone Chronos' way. All of them wouldn't exist anymore. They should've known that the deal was too good to be true: the termination of pirates in exchange for Chronos borrowing one of their marines to put the potion into the pirates' food and drinks to affect Hikari and for Chronos to be the one to kill Hikari. Honestly, they are very relieved that the pirates and the Time God Slayer defeated Chronos. No more deals with gods for them.


When Hikari woke up, she felt Lavender curled up next to her and the strong smell of catnip overpowered the smell of medicinal herbs. Feeling refreshed, she sat up slowly to not disturb the sleeping cat. The moonlight was filtering through the window, the full moon visible among the shiny stars peppered in the sky. Her stomach grumbled loudly and Hikari froze. Lavender twitched her ears but didn't wake up.

Sighing in relief, Hikari carefully got up and left the medical office. She used her magic to test if the magic dampening effects are still in effect but it wasn't to Hikari's relief. Avoiding the spots where she foresaw would creak, she made her way to the kitchen. She stopped at the doorway of the kitchen, sweatdropping at the amount of traps that was made to deter Luffy from taking the food that was set on the table for her. It had a note there. Swiftly avoiding all the traps, she looked at the note.

Dear Sweet Hikari-chan,

I left some of your favorite food for you. Feel free to use the stove or call upon me to help you in the kitchen. I wouldn't mind waking up to your angelic voice calling me from my slumber with your-"

Hikari smiled a little. "Same old Sanji." The letter is basically letting her know that this plate of food is for her. She took off the food cover and saw a variety of sushi rolls, onigiri, some radishes, some vegetables, some meat, a lump of wasabi, and some fish. The soy sauce was placed next to the plate. The plate looked beautiful and delicious in Hikari's eyes. She took out a bowl and a spoon and scooped some soup into the bowl, using her powers to bring the soup back in time to when it was warm.

Dinner was wonderful. One bite made her realize that she missed Sanji's cooking. After cleaning the plate, she went out to enjoy the cool night. There were ships lined up next to the Thousand Sunny. She could spot Shanks and the Red-Hair Pirates passed out on deck, the same with the Whitebeard Pirates. She stared at the stars in the sky, picking out constellations she read about in books. The constellations aren't the same in her world although some of them are similar. The wind blew gently, furthering the atmosphere of a peaceful night.

Doflamingo didn't expect to meet his younger brother, although he should've expected it. He didn't enjoy her chewing him out for attempting to kill his brother. The sheer disappointment hit him harder. He wished she would've yelled at him or hit him. It would've been better than feeling something he shouldn't feel. He's a god, he shouldn't feel shame for doing what he wanted and what he deemed was correct. Law, especially, wanted to kill him the moment he saw him. Doflamingo couldn't help teasing him and provoking him. He would've continued but he could feel Hikari eyeing him in the corner of his eyes. And then the fight happened and while as a warlord, he can't directly harm the marines, he did make sure that they wouldn't be able to move.

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