Chapter 9

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I accidentally posted this when I wasn't finished. (Sorry about that.) The only things I added was from where I left off.

During the last year of Hikari's monthly visits to the Donquixote family, she grew wealthier and would make some of her jewelry in their home. The boys were mildly interested in it.

When the mother (Ayano) took interest in the occasional jewelry making Hikari shows to her boys, she asked Hikari to teach her. Doflamingo would complain but he would watch Hikari teach his mother make jewelry over the rim of the book Hikari bought for him. Rosinante would watch them make jewelry and listen to the instructions, mentally filing away these moments he holds dear.

The instructions were easy to understand and Ayano quickly progressed through making different jewelry, all harder than the last one she made. That's when Hikari has an idea: how about hiring her? Homing (the father) could be the cashier while Ayano would make the jewelry. They could establish their own store and make a living. Everything was going to be peachy until shit starts happening a year later, starting with Ayano dying of a disease.

What should Hikari do? Even if she saves Ayano and the family move somewhere else, they won't be able to make a living. Many people know about them and what they used to be that they cannot see them as anyone different. Maybe she should let things run the way it is. Let Ayano die when she could've done something...nah.

That's not how Fairy Tail works. That's certainly not how Hikari works either despite how she's labeled as a kuudere by her fellow guild mates. They meant it jokingly and Hikari used to deny it. Now, she misses hearing Drake call her a kuudere teasingly, Umi gushing over how cute she is in the background, Verde pointedly ignoring the scene unfolding before his eyes and instead focusing on reading his Earth God Slayer book. Saffron would burst through the door and pick a fight with Drake for calling his precious "sister from another mother" a kuudere. Licht and Draco would watch the scene unfolding with food and drinks in their hands and place bets on who would win. Umber followed by Tian would separate Drake and Saffron but Fairy Tail happened. Io, who would be on a mission, would sigh scratch his head, feeling as if he should be somewhere else.

She'll figure something out. Speaking of it, it's time she introduce herself to Sengoku.

Sengoku is tired. He stayed up all night to go through all the documents piled precariously on his desk. He managed to finish all of them when dawn came and reminded him that today was a new day and he hadn't slept a wink. The birds chirping merrily is further evidence of his missed sleep that he carves right now. The breeze of an early morning does nothing to wake him up. He's too far gone to feel affected.

Sengoku groaned and stretched in his chair. He is going to take a long nap and if someone wakes him up before he naturally wakes up, that someone is going to be on bathroom duty for a month. His stomach growls in protest. Right, breakfast first, then sleep.

He took a rice cracker from his snack box where he stores all his rice crackers and bit it. It seems that every time he leaves the office to go capture pirates, there's a new pile of documents waiting to be read and sign. He's been working as a marine for many years and it'll be a couple more before he can finally retire. Retirement looks more enticing the more he works.

Biting another chunk of rice cracker, he decides to enjoy his retirement when he does retire. He's going to take it easy and enjoy all the rice crackers he can eat. He'll be able to eat rice crackers any day any time. That's the perfect life.

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