Chapter 11

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The Blade Pirates, in Hikari's opinion, wasn't that strong. Their hand to hand combat was very weak that even a child Mavis could beat them. They knew the basics like blocking and throwing a punch. Their reflexes and stamina are efficient enough but if they're put in a situation where there's no blades for them to wield, they're in trouble.

Right when Hikari defeated the last Blade Pirate that are part of the ambush, the signal sounded. Screams of terror and people running for cover filled the village, followed by curses of the marines and the pirates not associated with the attack. Like in the past, the marines and pirates formed a temporary alliance to defeat the two remaining Blade Pirates. 

The remaining Blade Pirates are the captain and his first mate. They realized something was wrong when their ambush tam didn't arrive. They put up a good fight, even when they're cornered and on their last legs. That's the only thing Hikari admired about them. Another thing she admired was the teamwork between the four marine captains, the men who work under the marine captains, the Doric Pirates, the Ionic Pirates, and the Corinthian Pirates. They did well in preventing the Blade Pirates from escaping. Watching them fight reminds her of the Zeref War. Zeref's remaining wizards teamed up to keep Acnologia in Fairy Sphere. In the end, there's no difference whether you are a marine or pirate. There's conflicts of interest but when push comes to shove, they'll team up to defeat the greater evil. Hikari smiles at that. Chronos the Time God was wrong to lose faith in humanity.

Ten marines and ten pirates got injured but they'll recover. At least no one died or got seriously wounded this time. 

The villagers and venders slowly came out when the marines and pirates defeated the Blade Pirates. The market place was damaged and the village lost some goods but like injuries, they'll recover and be up to sell fruit goods again. The villagers and venders were really grateful to their saviors that their village leader, Mr. Sunshine, offered them free fruit goods and free treatments for their wounds. 

The villagers cheered and thanked their saviors with bravado. The three pirate crews and the marines started smiling or smirking but they grew tense when they realized that the person next to them is their supposed enemies. Of course, all of them remembered that this is a neutral village and they can't fight each other. Arresting is a different thing but it's not like the pirates are going to give themselves up willingly to the marines. The four marine captains ordered their men to stand in a line while the three pirate captains did the same. A line of marines face a line of pirates in front of them with their higher ups facing each other. The villagers quickly quieted down and waited with bated breath on what will happen. The tense atmosphere is thick with distrust and mild hostility. The four marine captains stiffly thanked the pirate captains and surprised everyone by offering a handshake to the captains. The pirate captains froze in disbelief for a few seconds before they grinned and shook the marine captains' hands. Cheers rose from both of their men and the villagers. A truce was formed and will remain until they meet again.

There was a lot of work to do for the four marine captains. Francis, a lean, blond man with shocking blue eyes, sent his men to tie up the two Blade Pirates. Scott, a lithe, red haired man with tired hazelnut eyes sent his men to help the villagers and venders clean up the market place. Pyro, a mildly built man with orange hair and fiery red eyes, sent his men to search the village and find and tie up any Blade Pirates around if they hadn't escaped yet. Tadashi, a well built man with choppy black hair and dark brown eyes sent his men to help the villagers and venders rebuild their stalls. They nodded to the pirate captains and went to supervise and help their men. 

Eric Doric, Sid Ionic, and Ian Corinthian sent their wounded men to the village doctor's office and the rest of the pirates either went to help the marines clean or rebuild the village or search for Blade Pirates. There wasn't much they can buy or look at because of those pesky Blade Pirates damaging the market stalls that selling was halted for today. What better way to get the market going than to help the villagers and marines rebuild the village and secure the Blade Pirates? They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. They just want the tasty fruit goods to sell again. The sooner they get those fruit goods, the sooner they can get out and sail away. The sea is waiting for them. No one expected pirates to help. The arguments the pirates made that they're not helping doesn't help them from receiving disbelieving looks from marines and villagers.

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