Chapter 23

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It was a calm trip to Syrup Village. The weather was nice and sunny, the wind was just right to lessen the actual time of the trip. The merchants and hired bodyguards didn't bother the girl and her kitten so all was well. Lavender is especially happy that she doesn't have to experience Grand Line weather yet. Hikari told her stories about the weather and the kitten wasn't pleased with how wet the weather can be. Hikari didn't know that kitten's could make that kind of expression.

After the ship arrived at the island, Hikari thanked the merchants once again and set off to explore the village. Casually tapping her earring lacrima, she heard an unfamiliar voice engaged in a conversation with another. It seemed that the earring lacrimas that would belong to the Elemental Squadron are sitting in a store, waiting to be sold. Hikari tapped the lacrima once again, turning it off and thinking about when in this world she can talk with her nakama.

She was calculating how much time lasted between the last sign of the lacrima being in existence in her world and now when she bumped into a person. Thankfully, she didn't fall, saved by a quick step back to balance herself. She quickly checked that Lavender was okay before she turned to the young man.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay?" Worried silver eyes met dark brown orbs. For a brief moment, the man thought he saw a flash of recognition cross her eyes but it was too quick to be sure. The blond haired teenager merely absentmindedly rubbed his stomach, his eyes radiating kindness. "No, it's fine! I wasn't looking where I was going too." He chuckled. "You have a hard head, kid."

Hikari apologized again, mentally berating herself for not paying attention. She shouldn't be too focused to not pay attention to her surroundings. Being negligent of her surroundings is a bad idea in unknown territory. Anything can happen; Hikari experienced enough changes.

Waving his hands in the air, Yasopp assured Hikari that it's really fine, he shouldn't have made that comment, he didn't mean to make her apologize again, and please don't bow, people are looking at him.

Hikari straightened her back and introduced herself while inconspicuously observing him. Wearing a green tank top, a red bandana wrapped around his head, and brown shorts, and a rifle slung across his back, he looked at peace here, a normal person going hunting. This island, Hikari realized, is probably his home.

Hikari tuned in in time to hear his introduction get interrupted by a melodious voice.

"Yasopp!" A dark green haired woman waved her hand, one hand occupied with a cloth holding a lunch box, while running over to the person she's calling to. One hand on her knees, she was bent over and catching her breath from running. Sweat dripped from her forehead as she took in gulps of air. 

"Banchina!" Yasopp looked at her in confusion. "What are you doing her? I thought you were going to hang out with your friend today."

Banchina merely raised her other hand carrying the lunch box to Yasopp, her breathing finally stabilizing. "You forgot your lunch!" Yasopp left it at the kitchen counter and Banchina didn't notice until she was about to leave the house. Banchina knows that Yassop wasn't that far ahead; it was only ten minutes before Banchina was going to go. She's sure that she'll catch up to him before he enters the dangerous part of the forest. He's probably still walking to the forest. With her mind made up, she took the lunch box and ran as fast as she can. With years of practice, the lunch box wasn't jostled with her running, therefore the organized food inside is still organized.  

"Sorry!" Yasopp took the lunch box. "And thank you for bringing it to me again. I hope I didn't make you late in meeting your friend." He fretted. Banchina was a blessing to him. The first time he saw her, she was limping out of the forest at night with a child in her arms. The mother that lost her child rushed over to her and took the burden from her and thanked her multiple times on finding and bringing the child home. Although Banchina was scraped up, hair tangled with branches and leaves, she looked pretty. Her smile made her seem like an angel and that's when Yasopp realized he fell for her. 

He didn't really believe in love at first sight and yet, his heart skips a beat whenever he sees her. Thus, he slowly started interacting with her, having conversations, helping her out with little things. Then, it turned to hanging out and becoming friends. The next step was hard for him but he doesn't want to keep his feelings locked inside himself. He doesn't regret meeting her and if she rejects him, he hopes that they'll still remain friends. To his surprise, she accepted his feelings and told him that she felt the same way. They have been inseparable since.

"It's fine! I still have time!" Banchina looked over at Hikari and the kitten. She bent down to their level and smiled. "Hello, sweetie! What's your name?"

"Hikari. Nice to meet you." Hiakri pats Lavender's head. "And this is Lavender."

"Aw, how cute! I'm Banchina. Nice to meet you both! And welcome to Syrup Village! You're new here, right? I haven't seen you around before." Banchina is well known in the village for being a kind woman. It's because she's always kind to people and willing to lend a helping hand. She practically knows everyone either because of helping out or merely having a nice conversation with them. And Banchina is sure that the girl is new to the island.

Hikari nodded, confirming Banchina's question. "Yes, I am. I just departed the merchant ship that gave me a ride here." 

Banchina nodded to herself. "All right, since you're new here, how about I give you a tour of the island? I can meet you in front of the store at 2pm right over there." She pointed to a nearby store called, "General Store". The windows showed various knickknacks, some lacrima that was definitely imported from Hikari's store and fur pelts on display. 

At Hikari's nod, Banchina beamed, kissed Yasopp's cheek and smiled at his blush, and left to meet her friend.

Yasopp was standing there, staring at her retreating back with a dreamy smile on his face, forgetting that Hikari was there.

"Ugh. Young love, nya." 

"Lavender, you sound old." 


Hikari said her goodbyes to Yasopp, startling him and making him flush with embarrassment before returning her goodbyes and set out to the forest to hunt. Hikari continued walking and her feet brought her to a homely cafe. The wooden sign with cute writing spelled out, " Home Sweet Cafe". White tables with spirals as designs stood in front of the cafe's window.

"This would be a nice place to relax before meeting Banchina." Hikari peered through the window, seeing some people chatting with cups of tea or coffee and dessert plates on the table. 

"Lavender, do you mind staying here for a while? I'm going to order some dessert and a drink." Lavender mewed and jumped down onto a chair, lying down and making herself comfortable. The people inside the cafe thought those two were cute. Hikari went inside the store to order, already having the attention of the customers and the employees. The cafe employees happily gave her her desserts and citron tea with a cookie on the house for the cute display. 

It felt too soon but it was already nighttime. Hikari and Lavender had an enjoyable time with Banchina's tour, the woman cheerfully showing around the village and introducing her to the townspeople. Yasopp joined the tour around 3/4 of the way, his hunting finished early. Yasopp showed Hikari his skills as a sniper when some children accidentally kicked a ball too high. The ball got stuck between two tree branches and Yasopp got the ball down using a round pebble to throw.  The three of them had dinner together at a restaurant and went their separate ways. Banchina and Hikari exchanged den den mushi numbers and a promise to keep in touch, both of them already close friends from their hanging out despite the age difference.

Hikari can see why Shanks would recruit Yasopp and why Yasopp would choose to leave the island despite how familiar the island and its people are to him.

Hikari checked her backpack and prepared to time travel. Looking back once more at the village with the stars visible against the dark sky, Hikari and Lavender disappeared without a trace.

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