Chapter 2

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The red hair pirates, the Whitebeard pirates, and Hikari appeared on Shanks' ship while Luffy and Ace appeared on Law's ship.

Law was surprised that he ended up back on his ship, and with Luffy and Ace too. The last thing he remembered was exiting his ship to get Luffy when a white circle appeared in the sky and enveloped him in white light. Law will think about how he got here later; he needs to give medical attention to Luffy, then Ace. He certainly doesn't want Luffy to die on his ship. Law thinks that Luffy should not die today.

The red hair pirates was startled by the sudden appearance of their captain, their nakama, and a white haired woman.

"Captain! Benn! Lucky Roo! Yasopp! Whitebeard?!" All of them gaped at the sudden appearance of Whitebeard himself and his crew. It too a few moments for them to find their voice. That's when they noticed an unfamiliar figure in front of Shanks.

"What happened? Who's-"

"-Whoa!" Shanks quickly steadied Hikari as she fell towards him, unconscious to the world. "Hey! Are you okay?" Shanks quickly placed Hikari on the floor of his ship and found blood still dripping from her wounds.

Marco was conflicted. Should he go to heal the woman first or heal his pops?

Whitebeard gave Marco a nod, giving permission for him to treat Hikari first instead of him. "Go helps her, it's the least we can do because she saved all of us."

Marco nods back and quickly made his way to Hikari to check her wounds. Checking her pulse and taking note of her wounds, he shouted out the materials he needs to treat Hikari. Shanks called for his crew to get the materials and the ship's doctor to come help.

Marco is astonished at how Hikari was able to stand and do whatever she just did. Her wounds were serious; she had a broken arm, shallow to deep cuts and bruises all over her, a broken nose, a concussion, an extremely bruised stomach, and extreme exhaustion. He wonders how she got such serious injuries.

The tattoo of a white, strange shape with a tail is on her left hand.

"Is she part of a pirate crew? I've never seen a mark such as that. Maybe she's new..."

The crew and the Whitebeard pirates gave him some privacy, seeing as how Marco and their ship's doctor didn't recommend moving her until after they treat her wounds. After they finished, Marco slowly and carefully carried Hikari to the medical room by following the doctor. Hikari would remain there until her wounds are healed. The doctor showed him where he keeps his medical supplies and both Marco and the doctor took some to go heal Whitebeard and his crew while one of the red hair pirates monitors Hikari. There's a chance that Hikari could get worse later on.

It's been two days since Hikari first appeared on their ship. Whitebeard is slowly getting worse and the Whitebeard pirates and the red hair pirates are in a somber mood.

Whitebeard knows that he will die soon. His illness has been slowly killing him but because he participated in the war and removed the medical gauzes from him despite his nurses' protests, the disease got worse and he estimates that he'll die tomorrow.

Marco has been trying to make use of any medicine the red hair pirates' doctor have but Whitebeard knows that it won't help him live anymore. He knows when there's no medicine that can't save him. He knows he's going to die but he's fine with it. His son was saved and everyone is alive, that's all that matters.

During the two days, Shanks, Benn, and Marco (taking shifts with the doctor) has been visiting Hikari. Whitebeard would too but he can't fit through the door. Whitebeard was fine with Marco's reports on Hikari's condition and was glad that Hikari didn't worsen.

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