Chpater 4

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"Dahahaha! It was a nice try! We'll drop you off on an island soon."

Rockstar looked at Lucky Roo and Yasopp and rubbed his head. "Lucky Roo, are you okay?"

Lucky Roo grabbed a chicken drumstick out of his pocket and waved with it. "I'm fine!"

Hikari sweat dropped. "How does he fit that in his tiny pockets?"

"Thanks. Anymore questions?" A bunch of pirates started talking all at once.

As Hikari finished answering the last question and the crowd of pirates went their own ways on Shanks' ship, Marco handed her some tea. "Thought you'd be thirsty."

"Thanks." Hikari gratefully took the tea and drank it slowly. The steam quickly dissipates as the sea breeze blows it.

"So, where are you going to go?" Marco took a sip of his tea and watched the ocean. In the far distance, a sea monster lazily rose up, yawned, and submerged back into the sea.

"It's not where. It's when."

Marco looked at her. "Right. Because you're a Time God Slayer. Have you traveled back in time before?" What Marco wants to ask if there were consequences to traveling in time. He'd reckon there would be. Thinking about people traveling in time makes him uneasy. Who's to say that the future won't be affected? No one would remember because there would be different events happening instead of the original.

"Hi! My name is Mavis! What's your name?..."

"Ah, I didn't think I'd find you here. How are you?..."

Hikari stared at the ocean. "Yes, I did."

Marco let the conversation die there, which is fine. She'll talk to him or anyone if she needs to talk about her worries, hopefully.

They spent the afternoon sipping their tea in comfortable silence.

The next few days were relatively normal. The seas were rough but the ship managed, just like all the other times. The Whitebeard pirates helped the Red Hair pirates in managing the ship. They wanted to repay their debt and it's only right for them to pull their weight while they're on board.

Hikari also helped out. She helped with cooking meals for the pirates. The chef of the Red Hair pirates were amazed at how efficiently she cooked. Her meals tasted delicious, despite how simple the dishes are. He's grateful for the help and for the recipes Hikari wrote down from her world. He's going to put the recipes to good use.

In truth, Hikari could've gone back in time after she answered everyone's questions. In the past, she's sure there would still be magic in the atmosphere for her to absorb so there's no worry about not having enough magic to perform spells. She thinks there isn't any rush. What's done is done so it's best to have her in tip top condition to travel back in time. Getting to know the current pirate crews would be valuable when she comes back; she owes it to them for letting her stay on the ship and helping her on her journey and making sure she doesn't mess up the past and change their whatever. Fairy Tail always repays their debts eventually. Hikari was the sole mage in making an effort to pay the damages her fellow guild mates caused while on their missions. The master was grateful towards her and appointed her as the treasurer.

It was around 3/4 of the way to Sabaody to get a new ship for the Whitebeard pirates that Hikari announced that she'll travel back in time. She explained her purpose and promised that she won't change past events. Naturally, they were uneasy but they knew that she had to find some way to contact her guild mates and return home. They made her promise that she would say goodbye to them when she leaves.

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