Chapter 12

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The four marines didn't find anything about how the Blade Pirates part of the ambush were knocked out. They asked their men if they've seen someone that might've helped them out but no leads there. Their men did have the thought of asking their pirate friends during the time before they left Sunshine Village and the pirates all answered no.

According to Francis, he knew the pirate captains wouldn't know either because they were with their men when they were attacked by the two Blade Pirates and they didn't expect any attack.

However, a marine under Scott came out to say that he saw a female ghost. His friends all teased him but he never budged on his statement. Based on the report Neinheart gave Scott, the female ghost was near a Blade Pirate called Sharpe as they later identified the pirate and placed him in Impel Down. She disappeared when he saw her. Curious, Neinheart went to investigate the disappear e of the woman and found Sharpe.

The marine captains didn't know what to make of it. Francis wasn't much of a believer in ghosts. Neither is Pyro. Scott, however, believes Neinheart because he's not the type to lie. Scott specifically recruited Neinheart to be a part of his command because of the sheer determination and relentless effort towards his duties. Sure, Neinheart could be scared at facing danger but in the end, he always braved and overcame the danger one way or another.

Thus, it was written in their reports that a ghost showed a marine the unconscious Blade Pirate and disappeared, having satisfied her attachment to her late life. Sengoku read this and sighed. He thought he'd read everything but apparently not if mentions of ghosts appear in his fellow marines' reports.

He doesn't think Scott is trying to play a prank. In fact, the only person he could think of that would submit a report like this is Pyro so Sengoku is mildly surprised that this kind of report came from Scott. Honestly, out of all the marines that got promoted to captain, those four marine captains are the most unique in their personalities. They would get in trouble together as new marine trainees and they were a pain in the ass. Now, they're still a pain in the ass but less so. Sengoku placed the document to the side and grabbed a rice cracker to munch on. He did well in making sure that the captains were fairly distanced from each other. Not enough that it would take months to reach each other but just a few days away. Otherwise, their presence together would bring more trouble than it's worth.

Once again, Hikari is surrounded by walls covered in fruit stickers and a red curtain in front of her. Hikari thinks she's back in Sunshine Village because it exists now. People murmuring and clothes hangers clacking against each other is proof of that. Along with the scent of fresh fruit and a familiar looking teenage girl at Hikari's right.

"Yo." The teenage girl waved down at Hikari.

"Oh, right. I'm 10 years old again."

"My name's Aoi. You're not a normal kid are you?"

That's when it clicked. This is the same girl from 5 years ago who called her a pedophilic magician. "What's normal?" Honestly, Hikari doesn't remember what normal is. Her definition of normal is probably not going to cut it. She blames Fairy Tail.

"You right." She agreed. "Anyway, you related to the lady that appeared here 5 years ago? You know: white shoulder-length hair, silver eyes, pedophilic magician."

"I'm not pedophilic." Hikari thought with a sweat drop.

"Unless you are kidnapped by the pedophilic magician, you can hang out with my family for a while." Aoi finished.

"No thank you. She's not pedophilic. She's my mother." Hikari looks at the the only clock in the room as a show of having an excuse to walk away. "I better get going. She's waiting for me. Bye." With a wave, Hikari left the dressing rooms.

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