Chapter 1: It Begins

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Note: I don't own any rights at all!! Marvel owns it all *sigh*! Please comment or like if you, well, like this fanfic! Thank you! 

1.    It Begins

I awoke to the sound of footsteps. They were quiet footsteps, though, the kind that only an experienced thief would have. Unfortunately for them, I had exceptional hearing. Instantly, I was on red alert, and my eyes flashed open and scanned my dark bedroom for anything suspicious.

I rolled lightly off my bed, and crept to the door, my own near-silent footsteps rivalling the intruder’s. I brushed back my long hair impatiently, and stood with my back pressed against the wall, so that I wasn’t visible unless my unwelcome visitor came inside.

I only had to wait a moment or so before the door was slowly pushed open, dragging quietly along the carpet. The small barrel of a black gun came through the doorway first, and a body quickly followed.

The red-headed women clad in black stepped forward slowly, head cocked to the side slightly as she listened. I held my breath.

Cautiously, she stepped further into my lair, until she reached the bed, and she looked down at it searchingly.

She spun around as the door slammed shut suddenly; shattering the cold silence in my small London flat, and I leaned against it lazily.

“Who are you?” I asked casually, unconcerned as she pointed the gun at my head.

“That’s irrelevant. What’s important is who you are,” She said slowly in a faint Russian accent, not answering my question. My eyes narrowed slightly, and I folded my arms.

“What do you want?” I asked, looking at her. I was happily aware that I was slightly taller than her, one of the perks to being around five foot six.

“What’s your name?” She questioned bluntly, again choosing to ignore answering.

I hesitated briefly.

“Ellie,” I answered, testing the name on my tongue. It still felt odd to say it, even after having the name for twenty years.

“Your real name.”

I didn’t like this red-headed woman. How dare she break into my house and question me? I decided to do it her way.

“Eldrid,” I replied truthfully.

She nodded once in agreement, and then oddly stuck her finger in her ear. I watched in mild fascination as she began to talk to herself.

“Yes, she’s here all right. I can see the family resemblance already,” She murmured, throwing me a dry look.

Suddenly alarm shot through me.

“Who do you think I am?” I shot, and she raised her eyebrows.

“You’re Eldrid, daughter of Loki,” She said easily, confirming my fear. “You’re an Asgardian.”

Instantly, my hands burst into flames as fear pumped through me, and I lifted them threatening. Heat spread through my veins, and my blood boiled as I called upon my ancient power. The woman raised her eyebrows and watched me with vague annoyance.

“Who sent you?” I hissed, feeling the power rise in me.

How could she have known? No one on Earth knew my secret, which was for the best. If the mortals had known that I was the offspring of the god who almost took over their world five years ago ... I dreaded to think of the consequences. At least the “Avengers” had stopped Loki instead of me having to get involved.

“I’m not here to hurt you,” She began, still pointing the gun at me.

I struggled to gain control, and finally the flames slipped from my fingers, and the room went dark again.

“Who are you, mortal?” I asked resignedly. I felt myself slip back naturally into my old Asgardian accent and way of speaking, something I’d skilfully covered over the years.

“My name’s Agent Natasha Romanoff, and I work for S.H.I.E.L.D,” She said after a moment’s pause, deciding to be honest.


I sighed, deciding that I knew this would happen eventually. Of course S.H.E.I.L.D would have found out about Loki’s one and only child. My “Uncle” Thor would have probably informed them as soon as he became part of the organisation. It was no secret in Asgard that twenty years ago I fled to Earth, one of the reasons why my dear father hated the human-filled world so much. I left Asgard to live a simpler life, away from the pressure of being part of the royal family before Loki’s … misdoings. I doubted now that I was still counted as royalty. I had also wanted to see why Thor loved Earth so much. Frankly, I still couldn’t see why.

 “You look… younger than I had thought you would,” Natasha remarked after another silence, making me lose my dark train of thought.

Instinctively, I looked over at the far wall, and stared into the mirror, seeing through the dark clearly.

The girl in the mirror looked no older then sixteen, with raven black hair waving to her waist and flashing green eyes. Pale skin, almost deathly white, contrasted with the scarlet pyjamas she wore. I blinked, and my reflection blinked back.

“Did you not know that Asgardians are immortal unless killed in a battle?” I sighed, not looking away from the mirror.

“How old are you?”

I looked back at Agent Romanoff with a small smile playing over my face.

“Older than you would imagine,” I replied mysteriously, and she lowered the gun slightly, her one gesture of friendliness.

When Natasha didn’t say anything, I looked down at the floor in defeat.

“You want me for something, do you not? And I suppose it is to do with my father.”

Natasha put her finger to her ear once more.

“We’re ready,” She muttered, and looked back at me.

“I’m sorry for this,” She apologised, raising the gun. I looked at her questioningly, raising my arms slightly.

She pulled the trigger, and I felt the bullet drive into my chest. Staggering, I gasped in pain, and the world went black as I fell to the floor.

The Secret Asgardian (An Avengers Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora