Chapter 6: Last Warning

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6. Last Warning

I stalked the dark, narrow corridor, occasionally stopping and viewing various exhibitions. Entering the museum had been easy; the front entrance was unlocked.

While the Captain checked out the top floor, and Stark scoured the streets around overhead, I was charged with the ground floor. Rogers and I had also equipped a small ear piece complete with a tiny microphone built in; so that we could all keep in communication.

The device was really getting on my nerves, as I had to suffer Stark's incessant humming and sarcastic comments.

All of a sudden, I heard a noise. I stopped dead, and crouched against the wall, eyes scanning the dark room ahead. After a moment, I breathed again in relief as I saw a small rodent scamper across the floor.

Sighing, I turned back the way I had come.

"There's no one here, Captain," I murmured, and a slight crackle sounded in my ear.

"Same here. Stark, you got anything?" Steve asked, sounding suspicious with the lack of activity.

"Nada. Unless you count the weird-looking old lady walking her cat," Stark replied seriously, and I smirked.

I reached the main hall again, and then froze before allowing myself to drop into an easy crouch once more. A man stood with his back to me, gazing up at the dinosaur skeleton in the middle of the room. He wore dark green and gold robes, and his black hair stuck out at odd angles. It looked like he was holding something, but I couldn't be sure what it was.

"There's someone here," I breathed, hoping that the man - assumedly Loki - couldn't hear me.

"Stand your ground. I'll be right there." Came Rogers' quick reply.

"I'll come over too - wouldn't want to miss the fun," Stark murmured.

Suddenly, the man's back stiffened.

"Ah. A new Avenger. How quaint," The man said in a silky voice, not even turning.

I stood up slowly, figuring the game was up, and came forward into the darkening room as the sun finally disappeared. The main light was switched on automatically, detecting movement, and the man spun around to face me, a smirk on his face.

But as he took in my appearance, the smile was wiped off and replaced with shock. His green eyes - identical to mine - searched my face, and then filled with angry recognition.

"Greetings, father," I said formally, my eyes trained on him. A mix of emotions swirled within me, but they mainly consisted of hate and determination.

"Eldrid. You've grown up," Loki remarked, his wittiness snapping into place once more with a careless grin.

"Really? I'm surprised you noticed."

We watched each other with mutual irritation. I heard quiet footsteps from above, and when they reached the top of the stairs, they oddly ceased. I guessed that Steve was listening and watching, which made me feel a little bit more at ease.

"How have you been, daughter? Has mixing with these animals made you love them, like my dear brother? Or perhaps you've seen the light and decided that Asgard is better after all," Loki commented casually, hands clasped together. Whatever he'd been holding had disappeared - if he'd been holding something.

"Humans are not animals, father. They're no different to us," I snapped, though I wasn't being entirely truthful. I still felt some anger as I thought of humans and their quick judgments. Loki rolled his eyes.

"Gods, you sound just like Thor. You've spent too much time here."

"Maybe if you spent more time here, you'd understand humans more," I shrugged.

Loki laughed harshly.

"Maybe so. But I doubt it," He smiled crookedly.

I frowned slightly, and crossed my arms in annoyance.

"Why are you here, Loki? You have no business in this world anymore. You know that you will never acquire Earth while the Avengers still live," I said harshly, flipping hair out of my eyes.

"I know," Loki said with a secretive, mischievous smile, instantly setting me on alert. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm merely passing through ... exploring," He said innocently. I didn't believe him for a second.

"You should be in Asgard, serving your sentence."

"Ah, but that place is so dull! It needs spicing up before I go back," He grinned. I could agree partially with what he said, and I could understand why he'd get so bored in a strict prison. He was the god of mischief after all.

"Is that why you're here? Are you planning on doing something to Asgard?" I frowned.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't be that idiotic. Harming Asgard in anyway would be a death sentence."

"Then what are you planning?"

Loki raised one eyebrow, mirroring my trademark expression.

"Why would I tell you, Eldrid? Clearly you are not on my side," He said shortly.

I grabbed the hilt of Verkir and drew the sword in a second, watching flames lick the blade as I channelled some energy into it. Loki eyed it wearily.

"This is your first and last warning, father. If we catch you again on Earth, then you won't be walking away this time," I said threateningly.

He held out one hand, and a golden staff materialised in his grasp, as did a golden horned helmet on his head.

"No, this is your last warning, avenger. Leave me to my business, and I will not obliterate you and your precious humans."

I glared at him as he tapped the floor once with the bottom of his staff, and disappeared in a furl of green smoke.

I sheathed my sword after a moment, and sighed as Steve jogged to me.

"Agent Fury is going to have my head for not killing Loki when I had the chance," I said sadly, and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"They can't expect you to kill your own father without hesitation. Only a monster could do that. Besides, you did the right thing. If he shows up again, then the consequences will be on his head," Captain said earnestly, and I nodded, smiling ruefully.

"Hey, where's Loki?" Stark asked curiously as he walked in through the front door, the face of his helmet retracted so his real face was exposed.

"Gone," I told him firmly.

"What was he here for?"

I didn't know, and we both looked simultaneously at Rogers.

"There was something missing from one of the exhibits," He informed us slowly.

"What was it?"

"An old book, dating back thousands of years."

"A book? What does he want an old dusty book for?" I sniffed.

"I don't know."

The Secret Asgardian (An Avengers Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin