Chapter 15: The Hulk?

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15. The Hulk?

Hastily, I created a wall of fire in front of me, and the heat stopped the monster in its tracks. Its eyes glowed an unnatural blue, though there was a ring of brown outside his irises, revealing their natural colour. Clearly, this creature was under Loki’s control. It roared at me, unable to pass the searing flames.

“You might as well go back – the flames will never die,” I told it civilly, and it glared at me and tried to stomp out the flames.

“I wouldn’t if I were you,” I smirked.

I watched in mild amusement as it attempted to kill the flames under one huge green foot, ignoring the pain, and then snarl in anger as they relit a split-second later.

After a moment, it gave up, and retreated back down the corridor and through the hole it came from, figuring that I wasn’t bluffing about the flames.

I stepped through the heat unflinchingly, not feeling any pain. The flames seized as I stepped over them, and I continued on my way.

When I reached the end of the corridor, I decided not to follow the creature, and instead opted to turn left, into the main control room.

It was silent as I entered, and the rising sun could be seen through the huge windows. Normally all the desks were occupied by the agents controlling the Helicarrier. I noted their absence with a sinking feeling. How was the aircraft still flying?

I heard the click of a trigger, and dropped to the floor as a bullet sailed past my head from near the desks.


I scowled and got to my feet, glaring at Nick Fury who moved away from his desk.

“Who else looks like me?” I huffed, fire crackling in my palms.

He almost cracked a  smile, and lowered the gun.

“Sorry, I had to be cautious. Loki’s here and he’s controlling-”

“Captain America, Hawkeye and the Black Widow. Yes, I already know.”

He raised an eyebrow, and said mildly, “You missed Dr Banner out.”

“I haven’t seen any of them – but I did see this huge green monster,” I shuddered.

“Yeah, that was Banner.”

I gaped at him.

“What?” I asked, unsure if I heard him correctly.

“When Bruce get’s … stressed, or angry… he turns into another type of being, a manifestation of his rage and strength. It’s almost like a completely separate person... well, separate thing at least. We thought he’d got it under control, and he has, but obviously Loki’s made Bruce change so he can wipe out the base easier and in less the time,” Nick said grimly, and I put a hand to my forehead.

“By the Gods, you humans are full of surprises,” I half laughed, but Agent Fury didn’t share my humour.

“Who else is with you?” He asked sharply, straight to the point as always.

“Thor and Peter,” I replied quickly, and he frowned.

“Where’s Stark?”

“Business,” I rolled my eyes. Nick grimaced, and then stiffened as something occured to him.

“We’ve got to find Parker and get out of here,” He said suddenly, looking worried.


“Too late!” A mocking voice interrupted, and I spun around with a snarl.

Loki was right behind me, as I was still stood by the doorway, and before I could react he lashed out with his staff and sent me flying backwards, hitting the thick glass windows with a crack. I jumped back up without hesitation, and sent a fireball at him. He deflected it with his own magic, and ice grew from the floor at my feet, anchoring me to the spot. I melted the ice in an instant, my eyes beginning to glow orange as I used more fire power. He held his staff upright and made no further magical attacks, but I kept my hands aflame.

Nick, who was pointing the gun at Loki’s head, backed up so he was next to me with the glass behind us. Steve Rogers walked in the room, hefting his bloody shield on his arm and searching the room for threats. His eyes fixed onto me and narrowed. Then Agent Barton, bow drawn, and Agent Romanoff walked in. All of their eyes were burning blue, glaring at us. I felt majorly outnumbered.

“You might as well give up now, Fury,” Loki grinned.

“What do you want? You already have Iva, and the book, there’s nothing else you need,” I growled, and he smirked.

“I need you out of the way.”

“Try it,” I snarled, and Hawkeye trained his arrow on me. Loki laughed and waved me off.

“No, no, not just you daughter. I need the rest of the Avengers out of the way too. I don’t want anyone interfering with my plans,” He looked back at Nick, “Surrender to me, and I may let you and your ‘team’ live.”

Nick looked at him disapprovingly.

“Last time you attacked my ship, you killed a good man and brilliant agent. I’m not going to make the same mistake of trusting you again,” He said firmly, and I saw a bead of sweat trail down the side of his face. Loki smirked.

A shot rang out as Fury fired the gun, but before it could hit its target, Rogers threw his shield in front of Loki just as the bullet neared, and it rebounded off the metal and embedded itself into the ceiling. I sent a stream of fire at Hawkeye as he aimed at Fury, and cried out in pain as his skin burned. Natasha leapt over the desks and began to attack Nick in hand to hand combat. Surprisingly, Nick was adept at this and easily blocked her punches and threw his own hits in, the gun forgotten. Meanwhile, Loki simply laughed.

I felt something hit my legs, and I had a second's warning before my legs were pulled from under me, and I was hoisted up into the air by a web. I yelled in fury as I swung upside down, my feet glued together, and suddenly a masked face popped up in front of me. Peter was similarly dangling upside down in front of me, but he was doing it by choice, leisurely holding his web and effortlessly staying upside down. I grabbed his mask and ripped it off.

His eyes blazed the abnormal blue of Loki’s minions, and my own eyes pricked with tears.

“Peter,” I whispered, dropping the mask out of my numb hand, and he watched me silently with no emotion.

The sky abruptly darkened, and lightening crackled in the sky. Thunder boomed, a sure sign of Thor’s anger. I only had to wait a moment before Banner and my uncle joined us, crashing through the far wall.

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