Chapter 50: Moral Support

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50. Moral Support

The city was deadly silent as we walked through it, the taste of fear tangible in the air. My eyes darted from side to side, searching for any sign of life, but there was nothing. Everything was ... still. The doors of every white house was tightly shut, and upon further inspection, locked. Shutters were closed on the windows, locking out any view of the outside world.

“Loki must have ordered everyone to stay inside,” Peter remarked, his voice low and doubtful.

“Unless he recruited them into his army,” Tony said grimly.

“Loki said that everyone here is part-Asgardian. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s forced at least the men into his army,” I supplied reluctantly.

“I’ll scout ahead,” Tony suggested, and exploded into the air, leaving Peter and I to navigate our way through the maze-like city.

We walked in silence, and I bit my lip worriedly, not sure whether to say something or not.

Before I could say something, there was flash of gold from in front of us, just at the end of the cobble-stone road. It was the Sphinx, grinning at us, her golden fur shining in the light.

My initial thought was to burn her fur off.

But then I stopped myself in time, deciding that it wasn’t her fault that the last task had been awful for all of us, especially Tony.

“Greetings Eldrid, Peter,” She acknowledged us as we approached. Behind her was the Parthenon-like building.

“Hi,” Peter said, sounding worried, and I nodded stiffly.

“How does you’re quest go?” She asked, her tail flicking from side to side as she surveyed us interestedly with huge green eyes.

“Badly,” I muttered, and she laughed.

“How so?”

“I killed an innocent human.”

“You what?!” Peter exclaimed, and then I remembered that he didn’t know.

“Well, I accidently killed Iva Sykes,” I told him bluntly, and he looked understandably shocked.


“When I was trying to save her, Natasha and the King of Atlantis from dying in a cell with a Chimera guarding them.”


“You did well, Asgardian. Not many could manage a feat like that,” The Sphinx supplied, sounding earnest.

“It was hardly a ‘feat’. I could have done better,” I argued, and her huge wings flapped impatiently.

“Sacrifice is necessary when you face evil.”

“Is it? Or are you just saying that?” I asked, almost desperately.

“It is the truth. It is up to you whether you believe me or not.”

“I don’t.”

“Then that is your choice. But I did not come here to give you moral support-”

“You would never have guessed,” I muttered, but she ignored me.

“I came here to inform you that Loki is set and ready to unleash his army on the world. You are quite correct in thinking that he has the support of all the citizens of Atlantis – they are all part of his army, each with unique skills. He has even brought the children that live here into this. Could you kill a child?” She asked sharply, and I didn’t reply straight away. Peter was taken aback, looking horrified at the thought.

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